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Monday, June 12, 2017

Ministry of John the Baptist

To bring the mountains down low...
Live a life of humility and gratitude for grace and those who are puffed up will see and know the true way to God.
To bring up the valleys...
Live a life of faith and trust and those who are ruled by fear and anxiety will see and know the God who is faithful and true, and can be trusted at all times.
Rough ground become level...
Live a life that does not waver when hard times come and many will see God is always with us, not just during the smooth and pleasant part of the journey but ALWAYS!

We let His life and His love flow through us and it attracts others to HIM.  We lay our life down for others and they can see there is a better way.  We hope in God, and He reveals Himself as faithful and true.

We love others, with the love that He first loved us.

Pretty simple.

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