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Saturday, October 21, 2023

Revelation kicked my butt

 The verse by verse study of Revelation and how a vast majority of the verses in that book relate back to verses in the Law, the prophets and the writings (sadly called the Old Testament by some), really, truly kicked my butt. We kept with it, we kept at it, when the pace got to be too much we took one week breaks in between, but it still felt like everything else had to be pushed aside and all focus was put on that book.

I think I am still in recovery from that study.

Add to that a "cold" that settled in my ear which occurs almost annually and has left me with one good ear.

Add to that COVID coming back to the nursing home and the horrendous, money-driven over reaction that occurs in health care settings.

Add to that just some musings on mortality and the fragility of life.

Just today I feel God is pulling me out of the FUNK that I was in.

Just today He accomplished some stuff through me.

Just today I was able to focus on Israel and the incredible speed that things are moving at in the Middle East at this time.

So, fair warning, I will be posting very frequently for the remainder of this year. We need to see clearly what is happening in the middle east.  


Very good scholars have made mistakes about this.  They say things like, "His first coming He didn't come as He was expected."  "His first coming had a purpose that was hidden from the principalities and powers."  Both of those statements are true and YET both of those statements have absolutely nothing to do with His second coming.  He is coming to judge, to defeat Israel's enemies, to bring Israel to a "Paul on the road to Damascus" moment where they acknowledge that He is Lord and All Israel is saved. He is coming to sit on a throne in Jerusalem and rule the earth and all who dwell in it. Period. Maranatha!