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Friday, January 31, 2020

Abel's Willingness

Abel knew his sacrifice had been accepted.
Abel knew Cain was angry that his sacrifice was not accepted.
Abel knew Cain was angry at him.
Abel knew God, he was accepted by God and then
his sacrifice was accepted.
Abel knew that a sacrifice was necessary to cover sin.
Abel was willing to go for the walk with Cain.
Abel was willing to be God's instrument to reach out
to Cain one last time.
Abel was willing to be a sacrifice of love for his brother Cain.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Cain and Abel

The first 3 teachings on this page are
Art Katz
sharing in a prophetic school on
Cain and Abel.

It is hands down, one of the most wisdom
filled teachings I have ever heard in my life.

Listen to it and we will be discussing it
in this blog for the next few posts.

Please listen to it, the downloads are

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Where Are You?

If the question is "Where are you?", isn't it amazing
that by the blood of the Messiah
we can rest and trust in the fact
that our answer is, "In His presence."

No matter where we are, we are in
the presence of the One who said, "I will
never, leave you or forsake you, no never."

Friday, January 17, 2020

A Prayer

A Prayer from Eugene Peterson's "Praying with the Psalms" 

"Oh God what good would it do me if I did know the answers to the querulous (complaining in a whining manner) questions with which I badger You?  
You know what I really need--
not more information, 
but more love,; 
not Your timetable,
but Your presence.  
Thank You for giving me Yourself in Jesus Messiah.  Amen"