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Tuesday, July 31, 2007


perserverance-- a long word just means
"do it again, and keep doing it again until God releases you"
so I placed a piece of paper in my Pastor's mailbox today with
what I truly felt is a need in our church, only the grace-filled perserverance
of His relentless affection picked me up off the ground of rejection
to do that again
Jesus is all that matters. If He leads me to do something and I obey. The matter is entirely over, how the person/people react is at it's deepest level meaningless. Jeremiah was told
not to be discouraged by the "looks" he got when proclaiming the Word of the Lord.
My job is to be obedient to what God calls me to do or say.
you may or may not get it right away or even years away, that doesn't matter.

oh and ps thanks to Rich Mullins up in heaven for the phrase Relentless Affection

I am the disciple whom Jesus Loves!!!!!
have a good day

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