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Thursday, April 18, 2019

His Son, and His corporate son

Listen to this...

Consider this...

A beautiful gathering of broken screw-ups takes place every Tuesday night near my house.  We call it a Bible Study, because "a gathering of broken screw-ups" is a little too real for most people.

We looked at Romans chapter 9-11 recently and especially focused on the partial blindness of the Jewish people clearly stated in Romans 11:25.

It was brought home to my heart in a way that I am incapable of expressing, how near and dear this is to the heart of God. 

His love ripped the veil of pride that separates the very limited value of education from the eternal value of His revelation.

His faithful, unchanging love revealed to one of us, the deep cost that His chosen people, the Jew, have endured during this age long time of partial imposed blindness.

His faithful, unchanging love brought with that revelation the deep appreciation of His grace, that comes with seeing the price paid by His son, and His chosen people.




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