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Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Philip Haney

For about 8 years in a row I was blessed to be a part of a gathering in Ohio that centered on the great themes of the prophets of the Bible.
Many of the people I met there have a special place in my heart.
Philip Haney was one of those people, there were a few years when he could not attend, but his input was so valued that arrangements were made for him to video call in to the conference.
Phil's very ordinary appearance belied the fact that he knew many languages and had studied to show himself approved in many ways.
But that was not the important part.
Phil loved people.  He took time for people.  He sought out people on the fringe and engaged them in deep conversation.
The apostle John points us to 2 things to identify the true follower of the Lamb.
1) Filled with the Spirit
2) Love for their fellow man

Philip Haney was a true follower of the Lamb, so really it is no surprise that he was taken from us.

It is a comfort to know he was much smarter, had much more wisdom than those that opposed him.

This is not over, and I say with confidence,
it has only begun.

Phil, I was blessed to know you thanks for loving me.

Some one has collected some of his videos on youtube
some of which are from the gathering of saints in Ohio.

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