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Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Why Do I Pick Bad Boys?

Wisdom and insight from the woman I love.

Is this a key to the mystery of why some women pick bad boys over and over?

Is there a tape playing in your head that says, "You are worthless, no good,
you don't deserve a good guy."?

When you meet a guy who shows you love and kindness and values you, it
seems they are an idiot, because if they knew the real you , they would know
you have no value.  Then when a bad boy comes along and treats you like
dirt, he is in total alignment with the way you view yourself.

Is it possible also that in seeing a dad at times show love, but at times be
filled with hatred and physically abusive, a decision is made deep inside, "I
can't trust someone who says they love me." ?

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