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Friday, July 22, 2016

The Lowliness of God and the Wrath of the Lamb

Oh for a gathering of believers who are corporately willing from a place of union with Him, in the adoption of sons, completely willing to descend with no reservations, no misgivings, no doubts, no hesitation trusting in God and loving His glory above all else.
 Psalm 110:3  "Your people will offer themselves freely
    on the day of your power,
    in holy garments;
from the womb of the morning,
    the dew of your youth will be yours."   Such deep verse in a very deep Psalm, reveal Your truth O God!

Thoughts spurred by this little 6 minute video...

Monday, July 18, 2016

Reducing us to priestliness      This video the first one 2 minutes and 2 seconds long is just something I need to post, so as many people watch it as possible.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

"at the end of our strength" 1 Cor. 10:13 rightly divided

A friend posted this blog,  ...

and it spurred me to write this in whole hearted, (slightly long winded) agreement....   This is a powerful truth for Christians to truly realize. God is working both individually and corporately (Romans 8:29 and Eph. 4:13) with one clear and consistent goal for our lives, to conform us to the image of His Son, Jesus. This necessarily demands that we be brought to a place called, "the end of our strength" (Deut. 32:36, Daniel 12:7, Song of Songs 8:5,1 Cor. 4:9-13, 2 Cor. 12:9,10), It is at this precious place where all 'natural' strength is gone, that the gift of faith is given to say, "but God" and the witness of a people who overcome (not by their own strength) but by the blood of the Lamb, and the word of their testimony (which is about HIS power being perfected in our weakness) and they love not their lives unto the death. (that is the final part of that scripture that people often forget.) These kind of things happen in "little ways" in our interactions with each other in the "church" which is why the "love chapter" is right in the middle of 3 chapters on how the body of Christ is to receive and use the gifts and join together, gathering together in unity for the work of God. (1 Cor. 12-14) It also is a principle of scripture in ultimate ways, as a simple study of the connection between the words, "suffering" and "glory" will show anyone who takes the time to look it up. Lastly consider the wisdom and love of God (both of which have within their definition the word sacrifice). Romans 8 says, nothing can separate us from the love of God, Romans 9-11 walks us through the incredible wisdom of God to give the "church" a glorious purpose in laying down their lives in sacrificial love to display to the chosen people the unchanging, sacrificial, hope filled love of God, as seen in a people who are crucified to the things of this world. And then comes Romans 12:1 "Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship."... The glorious truth is we are bought with a price we are no longer our own, and we trust in His loving heart right smack in the middle of a situation where every evil principality and power is pressing down on us, and literally shouting, "Curse God and die." and from the ashes, from the dust, from the river of tears comes the most powerful statement ever uttered, "Though He slay me, I will trust Him!" and those same principalities and powers have no weapon to use against such a one.

Sunday, July 10, 2016

Jesus would stay and love no matter what the cost and who are we becoming like?

The reality of the post-trib rapture was brought home once again.

Eph. 4:13" till we all attain unto the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a fullgrown man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:" A "church" that has come to the fullness of Christ will stay and love and lay down its life for the brethren, just like Jesus would, because becoming like Him, having His heart, IS OUR GLORIOUS CALL

In Matthew 25:1-13 we have the parable of the 10 virgins. All ten virgins are sleeping, but there is a remnant, from outside of the camp, who blow the trumpet and announce the coming of the bridegroom and 5 of the 'church' wake up and have their lamps trimmed. 5 have no oil for the struggle, the wait that is longer than they were taught it would be, ...oh have mercy Lord... the great falling away...

Saturday, July 9, 2016

Don't leave without me, Daddy!

I witnessed a precious moment today.  A young boy, kind of distracted and slow to clean up and slow to follow his dads requests to get ready to go, noticed his dad was headed toward the door and cried out, "Don't leave without me daddy!"  and of course the dad responded, "I will not leave without you."
My heart expanded within me, as I saw the beauty of the exchange.  The reason the post-trib rapture position is so beautiful to me, is because a good daddy, would always say, "I will not leave without you."  The Holy Spirit and the Body of Christ on earth will still be here, loving, laying down their lives and being a light in the world, until the task is done.  The corporate son cries, "Don't leave without me daddy!"  and the father replies, "I will never leave without fulfilling the promises of restoration and the saving of a remnant and the making of an all saved nation, born in a day!"  Praise the amazing faithfulness, mercy and grace of our God.

God spoke to me about being a husband and father, his words were what he spoke to an evil, worthless king of Babylon, "You are weighed in the balance and found wanting."  As I enter into agreement with that sentence, with that judgment, the door is open for the in filling of the Holy Spirit who is more than adequate to be a perfect husband and father.  So, yes Lord, I am found wanting, but pour out your Spirit on me, I will find my joy in You and You will be my strength.

Friday, July 8, 2016

A promise, A word from God

If a word given to you is truly a "word from the Lord" or a promise for your life from the very heart of God it will NOT happen in the timing that you think it will, it will NOT happen in the way that you think it will and in hind sight you will see that it was given to you, to change you more and more into the image of His Son, to 'try you' and refine and purify you.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Post Tribulation, a revealing of the heart of God.

                     I’ve studied the scriptures that pertain to the end times for years now and although there are quite a few clear scriptures that speak of the rapture being a post-trib event tied to the day of the Lord, (2nd Thes. 2:1-4) there is an even more compelling argument from the heart of God. 
                 Jeremiah under the power of the Holy Spirit, expressing the heart of God weeps for Israel.  Daniel, carrying the burden of knowing that the 70 years of exile was coming to a close, interceded mightily for Israel.  Paul, inspired by the Holy Spirit,  expressed a willingness to be “cut off” if it meant the revealing of Jesus to Israel.  John, inspired by the same Holy Spirit, speaks of a people who protect Israel during a time of great tribulation, and this people are hated by the anti-Christ.  The TenBoom family in Denmark, are an example of Christians being burdened to protect the lives of Jews from the hatred of an evil ruler, even at the cost of their lives.  This sacrificial love is truly what it means to witness, to display the heart of God through your actions.  Your humility, displayed as a willingness to lay down your life for the benefit of another is a revealing of the heart of God.  So God’s heart for His chosen people, which cannot change anymore than any other aspect of God can change, will be displayed during the tribulation through a people who love not their lives unto the death, but willingly, lovingly, display the heart of God to a people who are being, hounded, persecuted and killed by the anti-Christ.  We follow the Lamb, who died as a sacrifice for all.  He said, “Come follow Me.”  There is no compelling argument from the heart of God for a theology of escape. When the ‘church’ is truly aware of the price that was paid for its salvation, and of the blindness imposed on most of Israel by God during this time for our benefit, then we who are moved by so great a love, will be poured out as a drink offering to see Hosea and Gomer reunited.  As we are being poured out, He will be pouring into us.  What a glorious day!  The 'church' has a glorious destiny, to be a suffering servant, like her Messiah for the benefit of another, for the benefit of the ones whom Jesus calls, My brethren!

Saturday, July 2, 2016

At rest, in Him

Talking with a friend today and this true statement came up.  "Most of what Satan is trying to do is to take us out of a place of rest."  Psalm 131 is a picture of that place of rest and trust in God.  It is our 'home.'  When we are not 'in' our home, we are in a place of wandering.  Wandering is the curse put on Cain.  Wandering is the state of everyone 'in Adam.'  In Christ, we have truly found our home, and in His victory, we can find rest.  We receive best when we come to God knowing that all our needs our met, (1 Cor. 1:30) and that we are just content to 'be' with Him.  It is at the place of not 'needing' to receive that we truly can receive.