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Wednesday, November 4, 2009

jason upton says it better

at this you tube location
Jason speaks of being "deceived into your destiny" that part starts at around 7 minutes.

He is speaking of Jacob and God's choice of Leah, "the not so pretty"

"the not so perfect in outward appearance" to be the Lineage of Jesus,
Joseph is Jacob's favorite and takes up a large part of Genesis, Rachel is Jacob's
favorite wife, the lovely one, BUT GOD, chooses Judah to come thru Leah, and
to come thru her when she has totally given up on ever receiving love from
Jacob, and her focus is totally on God, "Praise God" she says when all her previous
name choices had to do with "impressing Jacob"
So what do we learn,
Don't look at outward appearance and image, follow God.
Don't run your life to impress anyone, receive the love of God and return it to HIM!!

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