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Saturday, July 12, 2008

devastation versus pruning

we have a 3 foot wide spot of unmanageable grass between the road and the sidewalk in the empty lot (side yard) next to our house. Unmanageable because it is partially on a slope and partially not, filled with rocks large and small and whatever rolls off the road. It typically grows out of control and i could care less, but to soothe the neighbors i fired up the weed eater and "went for it" this past week.
Only this was no "trim" i was out to devastate this piece of real estate, and be done with it for this year! I succeeded. Safety glasses on dirt and rocks flying willy nilly i completed my task and nothing was left standing and most were down to the roots
which leads to these thoughts
right now, the body of Christ as individuals and corporately is experiencing the loving hand of pruning, drawing us away from the self life to a life lived in trust and faith on God and God alone, not my fleshly ability, No Flesh Shall Glory In His Presence, (principle #1 of all true ministry)
Pruning is completely different from devastation
devastation is the cross, and we are called to
"love not our lives unto death", to expect "suffering" to welcome the
"refining fire", to trust the God who is a "consuming fire" to come to a sober expectation that
in order for the bride to be pure and spotless, a deep cleansing consuming work must MUST be done....
So fellow travelers, seek to be most pliable (sp) under the pruning hand of God, willingly lovingly trusting Him, confessing your faults to one another and being healed, loving, laying down your life,
the pruning is almost over and the devastation will come

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