This very good question was posed to me this week.
I know this.
My old friend, now living with Yeshua, Joe Zisko, smuggled Bibles into Romania when it was a communist country and it was illegal to do so. He was not a brave man, he was not a big man, he was not a strong man, but he was a follower of Yeshua, who trusted the God of Israel no matter what. Many times at check points and in customs, the Bibles he was smuggling went right under the nose of people who should have confiscated them and put Joe in jail.
Because of this part of my answer is, it will be supernatural.
The second part of my answer is Electronic technology may be very disrupted during the great tribulation and so, it just won't be available to law enforcement like it currently is. This is a quote from an article posted on the internet just today.
"The Electronic Frontier Foundation reported in June that drones are being used as "first responder programs" across the United States, and departments are begging for more.
"With their birds-eye view, drones can observe individuals in previously private and constitutionally protected spaces, like their backyards, roofs, and even through home windows," the EFF said. "And they can capture crowds of people, like protestors and other peaceful gatherers exercising their First Amendment rights. Drones can be equipped with cameras, thermal imaging, microphones, license plate readers, face recognition, mapping technology, cell-site simulators, weapons, and other payloads. Proliferation of these devices enables state surveillance even for routine operations and in response to innocuous calls —situations unrelated to the original concerns of terrorism or violent crime originally used to justify their adoption."
Hopefully we can all see and agree that our First Amendment rights are being slowly but surely destroyed. The amount of spying on U.S. citizens by our own government should be alarming, but we are too busy being entertained by movies and football to even notice what a police state we have become especially since 9/11.
Pay attention, you are being lied to and manipulated.
The mysterious death of Suchir Balaji, the 26-year-old former OpenAI researcher turned whistleblower, adds yet another bizarre chapter to an already surreal stretch of events unfolding across the United States.
Found dead in his San Francisco apartment on November 26, Balaji’s death is officially being labeled an “apparent suicide” by the San Francisco Police Department. But given his high-profile allegations against OpenAI and his role as a key witness in ongoing legal battles, many are questioning whether this was truly a suicide—or something more sinister.
Open your eyes.
“The Biden-Harris administration placed political aims above the welfare of unaccompanied migrant children who crossed, or were trafficked across, the southern border––releasing unaccompanied children with inadequate vetting and follow-up to avoid the bad optics of crowded facilities.
“ORR releases children to sponsors in the United States. Thorough vetting of these sponsors is absolutely critical and morally compelled if that is the path you are going to undertake to bring these children across. Unfortunately, the Biden-Harris administration’s push to quickly release migrants resulted in countless cases of migrant children being released to sponsors with major red flags, placing children at risk of exploitation.”
Lastly, I was honored to know this man. He was a strong believer in Yeshua, the Messiah of Israel. He was almost finished working on a book to expose the deep state and name names. He was engaged to be married. He had a lot to live for. He was found, sitting in a lawn chair with the gun used in his execution (officially suicide) sitting in his lap. This is a blatant lie. There is simply no way Phil Haney killed himself, I will never ever believe that.
"A year ago, the Haney case attracted national media attention from media outlets such as Fox News and conservative figures, such as radio talk show host Glenn Beck put out statements on the case, questioning Haney’s death. Friends noted that he was in very good spirits, was looking forward to getting married, and making plans.
“The last time I met with Philip, he literally said, if I end up dead, know it won’t be from a suicide,” said a close friend on the condition of anonymity. “Weeks later, my friend is dead. I think that speaks volumes.”"
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