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Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Call No Man on Earth Your Father

"But do not be called Rabbi; for One is your Teacher, and you are all brothers.
Do not call anyone on earth your father, because you have one Father, who is in heaven.
And do not be called masters either, because you have one Master, the Messiah. "
Matthew 23:8-10

Ultimately who did we come forth from?

Ultimately who is our source of wisdom?

Ultimately who is our Master?

The trinity shows up here as our answer and Jesus is solving
a very big problem here.

People were taking titles and feeling exalted because of them.
People were doing that "Animal Farm" (by George Orwell) thing where
they start out as brothers, but then become more important brothers, higher,
with more status.

Jesus observed that and had a solution that has so many benefits for us
it is almost unbelievable.

God is your Father, ultimately.  So if you find your true identity as a son or daughter all your 'father issues' are healed, and you are living as chosen, holy and beloved.

The Holy Spirit is your Teacher, recalling to your mind all the things pertaining to life and godliness, running every teaching past Him will preserve you from error and deception.

Jesus is your Master, your Lord, and the one whose life is being lived through you.  So (oh hallelujah this is good news) your Master who demands obedience is also the Life in you that obeys! 

It is for freedom that we are set free.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Humility, The Gift That Protects Us From The Fall

God is at war with pride.
Humility is the weapon He makes available to us.

It follows necessarily that true humility is not something we can obtain.

We must go to Him, His life is humility.

His life as always is what we need.

Pride is available 24 hours a day via the self.

Humility is only in Him.

Oh to be living in such a way that we are moment by moment aware of the conviction of the Holy Spirit.  Oh to be aware of our faults so that we can confess them and be healed. 

May God continue to hold up, His Love, as the standard and may we redeem the time.

Friday, August 9, 2019

Become Mercy

Don't stop at receiving mercy.

Become mercy.

His life in you is the way that it happens.
Your job - get out of His way.
Accept your role as simply His vessel

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Called to Shine

Being forgiven is a beautiful thing, but it is not an end in itself, it is a beginning to a transformed life.

Our lives are meant to shine with His light.

Our lives are meant to give glory to the God who made us, and bought us back and lives through us.

Our lives can, quite naturally, be a true reflection of the sacrificial, servant love of God, and therefore all men will be drawn to Him.

There is no higher call!