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Friday, March 27, 2020

Messiah's Community

So Messiah's Community is the most important organism on the earth.  Naturally Satan knows this and has done everything he can to sabotage it from way back in 180 AD having a creed which did not mention that Yeshuah was the Messiah and King of Israel and that we gentiles were now happily grafted in to something that we were formerly not a part of.
From there it just got astronomically worse, until it got to the point that some can look at 30,000 denominations, more properly called divisions and say that they are all okay. 
None of this would have happened with a proper understanding of Messiah's Community.
So what do you now want us to roll back everything we call 'church' and start over?
Why yes as a matter of fact I do!
Because it will be worth it.
Because then we will have a free flow of the living water.
Because then we will be the ladder between heaven and earth.
Because then we will be His body, with His authority, love and power.

Friday, March 13, 2020

How Easily We Lose Our Focus

The faithfulness of our merciful God revealed two things recently.

1)  I should not be a part of putting other people down.  I have
     felt the Spirit depart when I knowingly, willingly, join in
     anything that is putting another human being down.

2)  This whole virus thing, is making one thing clear, it is
      painfully easy for us to lose focus on Him.  If it takes me
      away from the awareness that I have access to face to face
      communion with our Father, it is a distraction plain and simple.
      In His presence is where I belong.  period.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020


Here's the problem.
We are focused on immediate.
God is laser-focused on Ultimate.

How is my day going?
How can I make it through this immediate circumstance?
How do I react to the latest stimuli in my environment?

Nope, all those questions are too small. 

What is at the root of your anger?
Why do you consistently react that way?
Who are you?
Who is your God?
What is the goal of God for your life?

Our questions need to be bigger and we need a new
found earnestness in our seeking out the answers.

Modern life is designed to distract us from reality.
If we do not know the truth of our condition, all is lost.

There is a link for an MP3 at the end of this article.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Partial Preterism is a Partial Lie and Full Preterism is a Full Blown Lie

It is amazing how easy it is to agree with preterism (partial or full or whatever), as long
as you are willing to see God as unfaithful, non-covenantal, and totally unable to keep
His unconditional promises because those Jews (as a nation not as individuals) are just
so damn bad, and rejected their Messiah so horribly, that only judgment was left for
them (as a nation not as individuals).
Once you are willing to shaft, the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, believing
preterism becomes the reasonable, well-thought-out thing to do.
Once you are willing to spiritualize all of the physical promises made in the last few chapters of
both Ezekiel and Zechariah the "church" in all its glory can become the focus of the promises
of God.
Once you are willing to ignore the principle of God preserving a remnant of His chosen people throughout scripture (a remnant of the nation not just individuals) you can say that His rejection of
the nation of physical Israel is complete and total.
Once you are willing to pay absolutely no attention to the Holy Spirit inspired songs of praise of both Mary and Zechariah (John the Baptist's daddy) that speak of a necessary physical blessing upon the nation of Israel, the nation that the Messiah of Israel came to save, you can accept preterism.
Once you are willing to completely ignore this part of Jesus answer to the question about Elijah coming before him, "And He answered and said, “Elijah is coming and will restore all things;" "IS" coming, so there is a partial and a yet future time, because there is a yet future 2nd coming.  So John the Baptist is not the full and complete and only fulfillment of this.
Preterism is a blindness based on the pride of man, period.  Done.