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Sunday, January 29, 2023

Revelation 9 and References

 Revelation 9 and References

Revelation 9:1 Stars are equated with angels Judges 5:20, Job 38:7, Daniel 8:10.  This particular star was seen by John after it had fallen or descended.  It is not a super important point but, good angels can descend, so this angel holding the keys that Yeshua had taken earlier could be a good angel executing the plan and the timing of God.  Revelation 20:1 could be used to argue for this, but as I said, it isn’t that big of a deal.

Revelation 9:2  Gen. 19:28Ex. 19:18. Smoke that darkens both the sun and the air is a judgment Joel 2:10,31: 3:15 Isaiah 13:10 Exodus 10:1-15.  The judgment is on humanity and the counterpart spirits who are in rebellion.  They are released for a short time and their judgment is sure.  Smoke also indicates deception, darkness and spiritual blindness are equated Isaiah 9:2, John 8:12, Psalm 119:130, 2 Corin. 6:14

Revelation 9:3 Genesis 6:1-4, Luke 8:31, 

Revelation 9:4   The commission of these “locusts” is the exact opposite of the physical locusts from Exod. 10:12-15 Isaiah 14:29,31 Luke 10:18-20 speaks of scorpions not having power over believers. Numerous scriptures in Exodus speak of plagues harming Egyptians but not Israelites (Exodus 8:22-24, 9:4-7,26 : 10:21-23)

Revelation 9:5  Ezek. 9:46. “5 months” and not being killed both reveal this judgment as still having a whole lot of mercy and giving time for repentance.

Revelation 9:6  Job 3:21Jer. 8:3. These trumpets 5-7 have an effect on the earth-dwellers which is a term used for idolaters. The desire for death rather than enduring torment is seen in Job 3:1-26; 6:8-9; 7:15-16; Jer. 8:3, 20:14-18, Jonah 4:3,8  The concept of attempting to kill yourself but not being able to is almost overwhelming to think about.

Revelation 9:7  Joel 2:4. We will see a repeated use of “like” as John attempts to describe what he sees in these visions, this is his way of admitting an inability to describe precisely what he is seeing.  Joel 2:1 and 15 even include the sound of a trumpet with the judment of locusts.  Amos 8:11-14 describes a famine of the soul. (Since the power is given to torment but not kill we should be careful not to turn these locusts/demon army into tanks or weapons of modern warfare, which kill)

Revelation 9:9 Joel 1:6, 2:4-7

Revelation 9:10  Jer. 47:3Joel 2:5.

Revelation 9:11 Both names mean Destroyer;  Job 26:628:2231:12Prov. 15:11. Natural locusts have no king - Proverbs 30:27, so this is more proof we are dealin with a demonic army controlled by a principality or power. Amos 7:1, 

Revelation 9:13  Ex 30:2-3.

Revelation 9:14 The Euphrates is used frequently in the context of the direction the destroying armies came into attack Israel. Daniel 10:13; 20-21 spoke of nations who dwelt at or beyond the Euphrates.

Revelation 9:15 Tremendous mercy is revealed in the fact that during this age of mercy these 4 fallen angels have been bound, because when they are released they kill ⅓ of mankind!  

Revelation 9:16 Lit. two ten thousands of ten thousands (2 x 10,000 x 10,000).

Revelation 9:17 Fire and sulfur are associated with the lethal power of the judgment. (Genesis 19:24,28; Deut. 29:23; 2 Samuel 22:9; Isaiah 34:9-10; Ezek. 38:22)

Revelation 9:18 Re-stating fire and sulphur, emphasizes that those who die in an unrepentant condition are condemned.

Revelation 9:19 The smoke of deception is now bearing fruit in the fire and sulfur of death.  Idolatry leads to deception leads to death.

Revelation 9:20 You become like the idol you worship unable to see, hear or walk. (Psalm 115:8, 135:18, Isaiah 6:9-10)

Revelation 9:21  Ps. 115:4-7135:15-17Dan. 5:23, Isaiah 47:9-10, 48:5, Micah 5:12-6:8, Nahum 1:14, 3:1-4.

Monday, January 16, 2023

Revelation 8 Verses with References

 Revelation 8 Verses and References

Vs. 1 - Psalm 62:1, Hab. 2:20, Isaiah 52:14,15, Zech. 2:13

Vs. 2 - Joel 2:1, Leviticus 23:24, Numbers 29:1-6

Vs. 3 - Psalm 141:1,2, Numbers 13:18

Vs. 4 - Leviticus 16:12-13

Vs. 5 - Ezekiel 10:2, Exodus 19:16-19, Psalm 77:17-18, Isaiah 29:6. This verse (Rev. 8:5) is part of a progressive sequence Rev. 4:5 doesn’t include quaking, Rev. 11:19 adds great hail and Rev 16:18-21 adds one “great”.

Vs. 6 - Jeremiah 4:19, Hosea 8:1, Zephaniah 1:14-18.

Vs. 7 - Exodus 9:23-25, Zechariah 13:8-9, Ezekiel 38:22

Vs. 8 and 9 - Exodus 7:20-25, Ezekiel 5:2, Joel 2:30 (when the bowls are released an even more intense event of the same kind will be experienced) The sea turning to blood takes us back to the Exodus plagues (Exodus 7:17). The idea of a kingdom being equated with a mountain is in Jeremiah 51:25.  (Revelation uses this metaphor 14:1, 17:9, 21:10.) “ships” being punished Isaiah 2:16

Vs. 10 - Psalm 78:44.  As with the plagues in Exodus, the gods of Egypt were being judged, this “star” language could be showing God’s judgment of the false gods as part of this time. Isaiah 24:21.  Possibly we are seeing the judgment of God on both the Kingdom and the evil power associated with that kingdom. Isaiah 14:12-15

Vs. 11 - Israel was polluted with idolatry and the punishment is the polluting of the water, introducing a shortage of drinkable water to the point that people have to drink bad water and suffer the consequences. Deut. 29:17-18, Prov. 5:4, Lam. 3:15,19 Amos 5:7 and 6:12  Hosea 10:4  Jeremiah 9:15, 23:15

Vs. 12 - Exodus 10:21-23 plague of darkness, Amos 8:9, Jer. 15:9. The fourth day of creation brought the sun, moon and stars, this is the 4th trumpet. Isaiah 13:10

Vs. 13 - Mid-heaven occurs twice more in Rev. 14:6 and 19:17. An eagle as a metaphor for destruction - Deut. 28:49, Jer. 4:13, 48:40, 49:22 Lam. 4:19, Ezek 17:3, Hab. 1:8, Hos. 8:1.

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Revelation 7 Dan Missing

 The 12 apostles and the 12 tribes are mentioned together as the names that are on the gates and the foundation of the New Jerusalem.  This mentioning of these two groups together is interesting.

In the apostles we have an example of 12 people being chosen by God, but one falls so terribly that he is replaced by another person.

Could it be that in the list of tribes in Revelation 7, since Jacob way back in Genesis took Joseph's first two sons as his own, that they are included in the list (Ephraim under Joseph's name and Manasseh under his own name) and Dan had the same kind of terrible fall that required they be replaced by another tribe?

Just a thought, that I felt was worth sharing.  

The study of the Revelation of the Messiah of Israel has been, at times, overwhelming, but always fruitful.

Monday, January 9, 2023

Revelation 7 with References

 Revelation 7 verses and references

Vs 1  - Isaiah 11:12, Ezekiel 7:2, Jeremiah 49:36, Daniel 8:8; 11:4, Zech. 6:5, 

Vs 2,3 - Ezekiel 9, Exodus 12:7, 13, 22-28, as servants of God they may fulfill the role given to Israel to be a witness for God. Isaiah 42:6,7: 49:6, 51:4-8

Vs 4-8 - Judah is mentioned first in a few lists of the tribes but no list is exactly like this anywhere else.  Joseph is closely associated with his son Ephraim, so by including Joseph and Manasseh Joseph gets a double portion. Levi being mentioned is a little odd since the whole nation will be priests to God.  Dan not being included is never clearly explained anywhere, so I would refrain from speculating as to why that Tribe gets ignored.  The sealing would be before the final 3 ½ year tribulation begins.  God who has always promised He would have a nation is proclaiming victory before the battle even starts. He will not allow Satan to wipe out the Jewish people.  

As is always the pattern “to the Jew first and then to the Greek”, so first this sealed group is mention, ethnic Jews preserved by the power of God, and then we see a multitude of gentiles that no man can number. 

Vs 9 Genesis 17:4-6: 35:11, 48:19. Isaiah 11:14, 14:2, 19:24,25: Mic 5:6-9

The palm branches and the white robes already speak of victory and then in verse 10 that is what they are shouting about.

Vs 14 The great tribulation Daniel 12:1, Jeremiah 30:7 “washed their robes” Isaiah 1:18, 64:6: Zech 3:3-5, Daniel 11:35, 12:2

The parallels between Revelation and Exodus continue with a people who come out of tribulation Exodus 4:31, wash their garments 19:10,14 sprinkled with blood 24:8

Vs 15 Believers as priests Exodus 19:6, 10, 14  With the Lord in His temple Ezekiel 37:26-28 

Vs 16 Isaiah 49:10  It should be noted here that hunger, thirst and lack of shelter are implied and yet we have scriptures that seem to state believers will have these things.  We should be aware that scriptures can be used to cast doubt and discouragement on people going through trials as if their faith was not strong enough or that they were being forsaken.  We should never join with the accuser of the brethren.

Vs 17 Jeremiah 2:13; Ezekiel 34:23; Psalm 23:1–2 Isaiah 25:8: 49:9  Living waters Isaiah 49:6 Proverbs 14:27, Isaiah 33:21, 55:1-3, Joel 3:18