Revelation 7 verses and references
Vs 1 - Isaiah 11:12, Ezekiel 7:2, Jeremiah 49:36, Daniel 8:8; 11:4, Zech. 6:5,
Vs 2,3 - Ezekiel 9, Exodus 12:7, 13, 22-28, as servants of God they may fulfill the role given to Israel to be a witness for God. Isaiah 42:6,7: 49:6, 51:4-8
Vs 4-8 - Judah is mentioned first in a few lists of the tribes but no list is exactly like this anywhere else. Joseph is closely associated with his son Ephraim, so by including Joseph and Manasseh Joseph gets a double portion. Levi being mentioned is a little odd since the whole nation will be priests to God. Dan not being included is never clearly explained anywhere, so I would refrain from speculating as to why that Tribe gets ignored. The sealing would be before the final 3 ½ year tribulation begins. God who has always promised He would have a nation is proclaiming victory before the battle even starts. He will not allow Satan to wipe out the Jewish people.
As is always the pattern “to the Jew first and then to the Greek”, so first this sealed group is mention, ethnic Jews preserved by the power of God, and then we see a multitude of gentiles that no man can number.
Vs 9 Genesis 17:4-6: 35:11, 48:19. Isaiah 11:14, 14:2, 19:24,25: Mic 5:6-9
The palm branches and the white robes already speak of victory and then in verse 10 that is what they are shouting about.
Vs 14 The great tribulation Daniel 12:1, Jeremiah 30:7 “washed their robes” Isaiah 1:18, 64:6: Zech 3:3-5, Daniel 11:35, 12:2
The parallels between Revelation and Exodus continue with a people who come out of tribulation Exodus 4:31, wash their garments 19:10,14 sprinkled with blood 24:8
Vs 15 Believers as priests Exodus 19:6, 10, 14 With the Lord in His temple Ezekiel 37:26-28
Vs 16 Isaiah 49:10 It should be noted here that hunger, thirst and lack of shelter are implied and yet we have scriptures that seem to state believers will have these things. We should be aware that scriptures can be used to cast doubt and discouragement on people going through trials as if their faith was not strong enough or that they were being forsaken. We should never join with the accuser of the brethren.
Vs 17 Jeremiah 2:13; Ezekiel 34:23; Psalm 23:1–2 Isaiah 25:8: 49:9 Living waters Isaiah 49:6 Proverbs 14:27, Isaiah 33:21, 55:1-3, Joel 3:18
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