Revelation 8 Verses and References
Vs. 1 - Psalm 62:1, Hab. 2:20, Isaiah 52:14,15, Zech. 2:13
Vs. 2 - Joel 2:1, Leviticus 23:24, Numbers 29:1-6
Vs. 3 - Psalm 141:1,2, Numbers 13:18
Vs. 4 - Leviticus 16:12-13
Vs. 5 - Ezekiel 10:2, Exodus 19:16-19, Psalm 77:17-18, Isaiah 29:6. This verse (Rev. 8:5) is part of a progressive sequence Rev. 4:5 doesn’t include quaking, Rev. 11:19 adds great hail and Rev 16:18-21 adds one “great”.
Vs. 6 - Jeremiah 4:19, Hosea 8:1, Zephaniah 1:14-18.
Vs. 7 - Exodus 9:23-25, Zechariah 13:8-9, Ezekiel 38:22
Vs. 8 and 9 - Exodus 7:20-25, Ezekiel 5:2, Joel 2:30 (when the bowls are released an even more intense event of the same kind will be experienced) The sea turning to blood takes us back to the Exodus plagues (Exodus 7:17). The idea of a kingdom being equated with a mountain is in Jeremiah 51:25. (Revelation uses this metaphor 14:1, 17:9, 21:10.) “ships” being punished Isaiah 2:16
Vs. 10 - Psalm 78:44. As with the plagues in Exodus, the gods of Egypt were being judged, this “star” language could be showing God’s judgment of the false gods as part of this time. Isaiah 24:21. Possibly we are seeing the judgment of God on both the Kingdom and the evil power associated with that kingdom. Isaiah 14:12-15
Vs. 11 - Israel was polluted with idolatry and the punishment is the polluting of the water, introducing a shortage of drinkable water to the point that people have to drink bad water and suffer the consequences. Deut. 29:17-18, Prov. 5:4, Lam. 3:15,19 Amos 5:7 and 6:12 Hosea 10:4 Jeremiah 9:15, 23:15
Vs. 12 - Exodus 10:21-23 plague of darkness, Amos 8:9, Jer. 15:9. The fourth day of creation brought the sun, moon and stars, this is the 4th trumpet. Isaiah 13:10
Vs. 13 - Mid-heaven occurs twice more in Rev. 14:6 and 19:17. An eagle as a metaphor for destruction - Deut. 28:49, Jer. 4:13, 48:40, 49:22 Lam. 4:19, Ezek 17:3, Hab. 1:8, Hos. 8:1.
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