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Tuesday, December 3, 2024

"Do I look dead to you?" The Accuser

 Listening to a podcast (the chosen people with Yael Eckstein) and this line was inserted into the interaction between Satan and Eve (with Adam standing silently near-by).  

I firmly believe it was an inspired addition.  

Satan had to have something concrete to point to.  Something Eve could see with her eyes.  Something that could not be denied.  Satan was trying to get her to deny the ONE who had created her, he was trying to get her to disobey under the penalty of death, which no one and nothing had actually experienced yet, but it must have been foreboding, even though it was not something they had experienced thus far in any way. 

"Death" was the punishment for disobedience, but Satan had obviously disobeyed God and here he was, so what was "death", was it really that bad, or was God lying about the punishment.  

and so Eve ate.

Her mind focused on what she could see, and Adam ate in direct rebellion to the direct command of God, and so Adam is held more accountable.

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