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Saturday, June 22, 2024

The Kingdom of Heaven

 The idea of the Kingdom of Heaven is the Kingdom whose origin and authority and justice and mercy are directly from heaven. This earth will one day be the locale of the Kingdom of Heaven. Obviously (at least for everyone who is not a preterist) this evil age is not heaven on earth, but God can and will cleanse and restore the earth and all who His Spirit has drawn will dwell on this earth with the Messiah of Israel ruling from His throne in Jerusalem. Perfect Justice will be enforced and bowing to the God of Israel will not be optional. There will be purpose and meaning and a very agricultural society with no more war, because Yeshua is on the throne and He enforces it.

This evil age is not the kingdom of God.

You cannot bring the kingdom of God into this evil age.

There will be a time of cleansing and then restoration to Eden, in an act performed by God and clearly explained in Revelation and Daniel and Isaiah.

God is not trying to help you make more money to build His Kingdom, where did that idea even come from. God needs your money???

Your neighbor might need your money, and the Bible does instruct you to give it away, expecting nothing in return.

Be aware

Be careful

Deception is the thing to fear in the end times and self-deception is the most scary thing of all.

"Depart from ME, I never knew you." Scariest verse in the Bible.

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