Big fancy words, but filled so much truth in 3 words. "Eschatology drives discipleship." When we have revealed to us by the mercy of God, that we are living in "this evil age" then our outer self wasting away is not the main concern, in fact "loved not their lives unto the death" is our ultimate power over the fear, threat, intimidation and violence of satan and his forces. Everything that the hand of God permits to enter the life of a believer is redeemed as we cry out for Him to use it to make us more like His son. As we accept it and trust that He will turn it for our ultimate good. (as defined by Him and Him alone, we want no part of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, its fruit is DEADLY still) Everything in this evil age is transient, temporary, dung. (very polite religious word for ... well you know!) The things that are unseen are not some "harp and cloud heaven" type imagery, they are unseen things of the Kingdom of God on earth that is yet to come. It is because they are in the future, not because they are spiritual, that they are unseen. Plato and Origen are not our God, The Messiah King of Israel, ruling from David's throne in Jerusalem is our King. That is who we are crying for when we say Maranatha! Our prayers center around the peace of Jerusalem, because that is a cry for His return as only His return will bring ultimate peace and the false peace before He returns is going to be a stone of stumbling. Our prayers cry out for the grace and supplication to be poured out on the Jewish people because that is the ultimate end of "this evil age", national repentance and national salvation, a nation born in a day. 1 John 3:2,3 "2Beloved, we are now children of God, and what we will be has not yet been revealed. We know that when Christ appears, we will be like Him, for we will see Him as He is. 3And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as Christ is pure." THIS HOPE, the Kingdom to come, is the driving force behind our crying out for the purity that only His life brings. We love because He first loved us. His heart for Israel is poured out on us and we love "His brethren" with His heart of unbreakable commitment and love. He has shown such mercy to me, how could I ever withhold it from anyone! Maranatha!
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