If it is true that the parables are similar to a joke, in that, they are being told with one "punch line" in mind, one teaching point that the Messiah of Israel was trying to get across, for generations to come to a people who would be willing to humble themselves and seek Him for the meaning (because no one else truly gets the meaning). Then the simple point of the parable that is usually called the "parable of the ten virgins" is five of them had made preparations for a long wait and they were ready when He came.
Over and over the Bible speaks of a three and one half year period of tribulation.
The refugee crisis that resulted from the war in Syria and currently from the war in Ukraine demonstrates how quickly a situation can change, but the speed of the change, does not lead to a short-term problem, it actually leads to very long term problem, because bombs have been dropped and there is no "home" to return to.
There is a very real sense where one could look at the Bible and say, "God knows how to provide for His people in the wilderness."
There is a very real sense where one could look at the Bible and say, "God is very clearly warning us ahead of time so that we can be taking some steps to prepare for a three and one half year period of tribulation."
May the Lord our God faithfully lead us to find a balance, to hear clearly, to never take any action out of fear or frustration, but to listen, obey, trust and be a people who follow the Lamb wherever He goes. May we be a people focused on community survival. The Jewish people have a promise that God will preserve a remnant and He will never let them be totally blotted out, despite the fact that that will be the 100% goal of the anti-christ and his army. The gentile peoples have no promise like that. We are told that there will be some from every nation, tribe, people and tongue (Revelation 7:9) but they are pictured before the throne of the Lamb, so they very well could have been martyred and are therefore, by no means, a guaranteed remnant.
I don't know it just struck me the other day, that there is no promise for the gentile nations, so we are a people crying out for mercy for our family, friends and towns. Crying out to the Messiah of Israel, for grace to help in this temporary evil age. Crying out for grace to proclaim the truth of the Day of the Lord and the coming Kingdom. Crying out for the "powers of the age to come" to be a demonstration that the words we are sharing in this evil age are true and will be fulfilled.
We NEED wisdom.
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