Daniel 9 has a powerful, humble, prayer of repentance for the Jewish people and their stewardship of the calling of God. Based on that model and the truth of scripture, here is my first draft of the gentile prayer of repentance for the arrogant kingdom. (aka the "church" - that sees itself as the replacement for Israel)
KNOW THIS - The God of Israel, has one bride, His chosen people. "I will never leave you nor forsake you" was spoken to the people Israel. (Deut. 31:6) Is God a liar?
Hosea was commanded to go again and love His wife Gomer, after her unfaithfulness, after she willingly left him. Get the picture?
Their call as the chosen people of God is irrevocable. Look up the meaning of that word and decide whether or not you are going to call the Holy Spirit who inspired Paul to write that a liar - because if you do that you are on very, very shaky ground.
The prayer...
We repent Lord for the arrogant kingdom, that we as gentiles are a part of. We repent for all claims to replace, or usurp Your chosen people. We repent of establishing the work of our hands and praising it above You. We repent of the name "Christian" we are not "little Christ's". We are disciples of the Messiah of Israel. We do not have our own tree. We are not the root. We are "not a people", made to be a people by Your sacrifice and death on the cross. We are grafted into their vine. Their root supports us. Theirs are the promises, theirs is the adoption to sonship; theirs the divine glory, theirs the covenants, theirs the receiving of the law, the temple worship. Theirs are the patriarchs, and from them is traced the human ancestry of the Messiah. We repent Lord "church" and the "Jesus" associated with it are false gods. We are grafted into Messiah's community, a remnant people that Your sovereign grace has preserved since the time of Abraham. Have mercy and open blinded eyes for Your glory.
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