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Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Jacob's Ladder, Our Messiah, The Lamb Who Connects Us with the Kingdom to Come

 Jacob had the dream of the ladder as he was leaving the promised land to go back to Abraham's home of origin to look for a bride.  The promise of the God of Abraham and Isaac is given to him at this spot.  God promises to bring Jacob back to this land and give it to him.  Yeshua encounters Nathaniel and speaks to him of Jacob's ladder and make it clear that He is that ladder on which the Kingdom to come pierces through the barrier of the Day of the Lord and enters this evil age with a Shofar blast of the sureness of the faithfulness of God.  The Kingdom is coming!  Here is a taste, a foretaste, a down payment, a breaking through of the powers of the age to come that confirms and gives perseverance to your heart to continue in this evil age, with a joy and a absolutely certain hope that what He said He will do!

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