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Saturday, December 11, 2021

Three Thoughts I Don't Want to Lose

Three thoughts I don't want to lose so I will post them here.

 worship pattern

Altar sacrifice for sin   just a time of confession as we look at the word of God and see where the Spirit shows we have fallen short.  Pray for Jerusalm, Marantha, having all things in common, 1 Cor 13 etc

Bronze Laver rejoice in the cleansing power of the blood

12 Showbread  -- remember His promises speak them out down payment as it give Glory to Him

mainly for the age to come

Lampstand admitting our need of His light  crying out to eat from only the Tree of Life

Altar of Incense   Praying as led by the Spirit of God  united with His heart His cry

Veil  gratitude for the Lamb that was slain

Ark of the Covenent   Manna   resting in daily provision

Tablets  rejoicing in the Law

Aaron's Rod  Rejoicing in being chosen

Persecution and trials are a cause for rejoicing when one understands that this "evil age" is not to be our home. The foundation of our understanding is the approaching day of the Lord, and after that the fullness of the glory of the Kingdom of God. God is faithfully purifying the sons of Levi. Any persecution and trial is in exact proportion to what the wisdom of God has determined is necessary for us to be a vessel of honor for the Master's use in this age and even more importantly the age to come. The God of Israel, has a plan for His chosen people and the land that He gave them. We as Gentiles are grafted into Messiah's community and our call, as clearly stated in scripture, is to join in the Messiah's sufferings, lovingly, willingly, laying down our lives as a manifestation of His lovingkindness. We submit to proper authorities unless to do so violates our ultimate submission to God. We do not unite with any power that uses formula's, or earthly means. We eat only from the tree of Life. The glory of God is the only thing that matters.

This is the deep truth that is hidden in plain sight in all the writings of the God of Israel that we follow. Suffering is tied to glory. We rejoice in suffering and weakness because it draws us to Him. It reminds us this is a very temporary, evil age. It is coming to a close on the Day of the Lord. We are strangers, pilgrims, sojourners here, this is not our home, this is not our age. We are given by the grace of God, a down payment of the Holy Spirit and power to point to the age to come. The message of the cross is carried by those who know suffering and who have been brought to a place of "disconnecting" from this age. The cry of "Maranatha" is a cry of a people longing for home. Satan is very aware of God's covenant with Israel, with the Jewish people, and so Hitler and the preview of the persecution of the anti-Christ. The "church" has lost sight of this and God is calling for us to REGAIN our sight, SO THAT, when the anti-Christ does come and begins to try to wipe out the Jews, the "church" rises up and lays down its life in a MANIFESTATION of the love of YESHUA, so that the Jews eyes can be opened to see the faithful love of the God of Israel even in the midst of the greatest time of trouble the world and specifically the Jew has ever seen. God is working very hard to prepare a people who LOVE NOT THEIR LIVES UNTO THE DEATH that is the high call and this time of tribulation in your life is a microcosm of the macrocosm. Welcome to the jungle, He is with us and will always be with us, no matter what! Maranatha!!

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