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Saturday, July 24, 2021

Who is Peter Writing To?

 "Peter, an apostle of Jesus Christ, To those who reside as strangers, scattered throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia, and Bithynia, who are chosen according to the foreknowledge of God the Father, by the sanctifying work of the Spirit, to obey Jesus Christ and be sprinkled with His blood: May grace and peace be multiplied to you."  1 Peter 1:1,2

"But there were also lying prophets among the people then, just as there will be lying religious teachers among you. They’ll smuggle in destructive divisions, pitting you against each other—biting the hand of the One who gave them a chance to have their lives back! They’ve put themselves on a fast downhill slide to destruction, but not before they recruit a crowd of mixed-up followers who can’t tell right from wrong."2 Peter2:1,2

Peter gets credit for 2 letters in the Messianic Writings.  The question for today is, "Who is he writing to?"

He is writing to those who are scattered?  Scattered from where?  What physical place on this planet is he referring to?  If you answered the land of Israel and specifically Jerusalem you are correct.   This is the home of the Messianic Kingdom, this is where the Messiah will sit on His throne.  We gentiles get to be born again, which makes us born in Zion, (Psalm 87) and we get to call it our home too, but it becomes our home by being grafted into their vine.  That is the key that keeps us humble and prevents us from giving into destructive divisions that pit us against each other.  

We are not against the Jewish people we are grateful to be grafted into their vine.  

This is not a new dispensation, this is not plan B, this is not a new thing called the "church" which God had to start up, because the Jewish people failed Him so miserably.  

Peter was very clearly writing to the predominantly Jewish believers who had to flee Jerusalem because of persecution.  That does not invalidate the two books he wrote.  It simply makes clear we gentiles were born into a story much bigger than us!

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