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Monday, July 5, 2021

Israel and the Grafted in, Ever Grateful, Ever Humble Gentile Brethren


"I believe the great purpose of Israel's election is to show the nature and character of redeeming love" Reggie Kelly  Which is the nature and character of God, which is being worked into those who follow the Lamb.
 " have come to a condition of being a bride adorned for the Bridegroom having the glory of God, and this is that glory, His nature, His compassion, His mercy. He is waiting for a bride who is like Him and not just some American plastic counterfeit." Art Katz "Becoming a Prophetic Church Part 5 Psalm 102" 
The wisdom of God displayed on the cross is that willing, sacrificial love is the one force in the universe that is the ring that rules them all.  
Satan has a counterfeit, he always does.  With the promise of a heavenly reward, he lures people to willingly blow themselves up.  They do not know what they are doing.  It is being done from a selfish motivation and with violent intent to take the lives of others.  It is nearly impossible to fight against an enemy who is willing to die in the act of killing you.  
But the wisdom from above seeks for a way to save you, even if it is at the cost of their life.  This kind of love is what the followers of the Lamb who was slain are learning in the day to day, moment by moment opportunities that come to die to self.  The flesh has a kingdom and a brick is removed from that kingdom every time you choose to go lower.  This is the release of the love of God through you.
The light shines, the salt preserves, Yeshua becomes the firstborn of many sons.

There is no higher call.
There is no greater purpose.


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