The word translated dispensation occurs 6 times in the Greek scriptures. We should look at how it is used to get a correct understanding of what it means. Luke 16:3,4
1 Cor. 9:17, Eph. 1:10 and 3:2 and Colossians 1:25. It has been used as a word that divides but when you look at the context you see that it is actually a word that explains that Paul was given a stewardship of the mystery of God that the Gentiles, (us) were going to be included in the Messiah's ever expanding loved family, under one Father.
Looking at the word stewardship/dispensation and seeing
that it seems to mean, something that you are given from someone
else and you are assigned to dispense it.
So, Paul was shown a mystery (which is something God has
always known but reveals to man at a set time) that the Gentiles
were going to be fully included in God's family because of the Messiah.
We looked at Acts 13:46-49 to see how incredibly happy the Gentiles
were when they heard that the Messiah's death and resurrection totally
brought them into the family of God. We are 2,000 years removed from
this being ground breaking, earth shaking news, but as we read Eph. 2 and 3
we can see how truly far away the Gentiles were and how absolutely
amazing it was for the Messiah to gather them into the Father's one family.
God's love expanded to include
the Gentiles, this is what we read Paul saying when he speaks of his
dispensation, but some people (probably 90% of the Christian church) has
used the word dispensation to exclude the Jew and set apart the church
as God's new chosen people. There is nothing in the text to indicate this.
That kind of thinking stems all the way back from this verse in Genesis 9:27
"May God enlarge Japheth, may he dwell in the tents of Shem, and may Canaan be his slave.”
It is key to remember we are descended from Ham(Canaan), Shem, or Japheth.
Most of European descent are from Japheth. Japheth is always looking to
enlarge, or take over, so when Rome got a hold of the gospel, they tried to
take over and make the church the new chosen people, but the only way we
are to be blessed is if we (Gentiles) bow to enter the tents of Shem (Jewish)
people. The key to understanding the gospel and coming into the "fullness of God"
is humility. For Japheth to agree with God that the Jew is His chosen people, but
that we are being allowed to "dwell in the tents of Shem" is to express
humility. "Thank you God for including me" is our attitude, not "look at me I'm the center."
Paul in Romans 11 makes it clear that Gentiles need a strong warning not
to become arrogant, that has not changed.
The Gentiles being included was foretold in Isaiah and Hosea and other places and
Simeon included it in his blessing in Luke. Also it is key to see that Satan in Luke 4:5-8
was offering the Gentiles to Jesus if He would bow to him, but Jesus says, No I
am only worshipping God, but He would have had a little "twinkle" in His eye at
that moment, because as a result of worshipping God and going to the cross, He would
come to rule over more Gentiles from every tribe and tongue than a man could number. (Revelation)
All this was a mystery because if God had fully revealed it at the time Satan would
not have followed through with His plan to crucify Jesus. (1 Corin. 2:8)
Once we (Gentiles) see and accept this with humility, then the way is opened for
us to truly see the love of God for us and to enter into what Eph. 3:19 calls
"all the fullness of God." Wow!