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Wednesday, March 5, 2025

So Jesus hasn't come in here to pick you up

 Great line from a great song with great lyrics, that you Must NOT ever share with your young children, but maybe be bold and share it with your teens, because their generation needs to know the PRE-TRIB rapture is a lie and Jesus is not coming to pick you up and whisk you away before things get bad. Does that really make any sense that the crucified Messiah who said, to you, HIS followers, "TAKE up your own CROSS and follow ME" would RESCUE you before things get bad.  OF course not, but it does make sense to your selfish little self that needs to die, die, die.

Most of the "shit" that is hitting your fan is simply the God of Israel, purifying the sons of Israel, LIKE HE SAID HE WOULD!!!

Monday, February 24, 2025

Messing Up

 The love of God is constant.

The mercy of God is something He delights in.

I mess up.

Yelling and responding to my wife in ways that reveal the evil that still roams the hallways and closets of my heart.

His mercies are new every morning, and if they weren't, we would be doomed. 

Sunday, February 23, 2025

The Ungodly

 A friend is working her way through Romans and finding that Augustine and Luther may have been leading us down a wrong path.

This is a question and answer from a Dr. Johnson on Michael Heiser's web-site that seems to make a similar point. 

Romans has portions written about gentiles and portions written about Jew.  Specifically the word the "ungodly" is a reference to gentiles.  

I am not saying it has a gigantic effect on my day to day walk with God, but it does clear up some things and make some other things more clear for those who want to go deep in the text and the things of God that are revealed. 

"Q: It sounds like you have an interesting take on Romans 5:6 (“For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly”). Please defend yourself.

A: In Jewish tradition the “ungodly” (asebes) person was the Gentile, meaning that he lived his entire life outside of the covenant of the God of Israel (Prov 11:31: “If the righteous will be recompensed on the earth, how much more the wicked and the ungodly [asebes, LXX]”). So I think Paul is now bringing the majority Gentile audience in Rome into the Levitical story, saying that Jesus did for the non-Jew what the Leviticus sacrifices had done for the Jew: make them ritually pure. This was huge news, as the death of Christ now meant that the Gentile was able to approach the God of Israel without going through proselytization (Acts 14:27: “And when they had come together, they reported all that God had done with them, and that He had opened the door of faith/loyalty to the Gentiles”).   Dr. Johnson Responds to Questions on His Atonement Discussion - Dr. Michael Heiser

Friday, February 21, 2025

False Prophets

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Do Infants Who Die Go To Heaven?

  "Moreover, your little ones who you said would become a prey, and your sons, who this day have no knowledge of good or evil, shall enter there, and I will give it to them and they shall possess it". 

There it is pretty simple and clear.  Thank you Yeshua, the Messiah of Israel.

"Moreover, your little ones who you said would become a prey, and your sons, who this day have no knowledge of good or evil, shall enter there, and I will give it to them and they shall possess it". 

The Day is Fast Approaching

 There will come a day.  The nations will surround Israel, and over run it, destroy it.  Individual Jews will be dispersed throughout the nations.  They will need shelter, love and protection. A people who recognize that they are grafted into the vine of Israel, by the God of Israel, through the Messiah of Israel.  This will cause individual gentiles to rise up in willing, sacrificial love that they will display to the individual Jews at the cost of their own lives.

This love will help to display to the individual Jews, their true Messiah and as one nation of people they will turn to Him.

This is the unstoppable plan of God and the path there is very simply, individual followers of the Messiah will be brought to the "end of their strength."



what a mess

 There is a very good reason, Paul, an apostle, called the times, the epoch, the era, that we are living in THIS EVIL AGE

The governments of the world, the banking system, the true "power brokers" behind the scenes, the whole thing is in the power of the Evil One.  He said, it and Yeshua did not argue the point.  "The fullness of the gentiles", is actually when the evil that the gentile nations are capable of reaches its full height.  (The parallel is the fullness of the sin of the Amalekites in the books of Exodus, Deuteronomy and 1st Samuel.)  

We take it to mean until the full number of gentiles is saved, because we live and breathe a self-centered, gentile-centered gospel that has nothing to do with the foundation of God.  Israel is the center of the story, what they experienced in there long journey with the God of Israel is there for us to learn from and continue to apply.  God is a covenant-keeping God. He will complete His purposes in and through THEM. We are brought into their promises by the grace and mercy of God to include the nations who had been given over to the false gods they chose.  We come in as individuals, they will come in as an all-saved nation. 

The God of Israel is patient, no one can say He is not.