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Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Queen of Denmark

 "Why don't you tell somebody else that they're selfish?A weakling, coward, a pathetic fraud?"


Great talk tonight with a very wise man, who told me there is a difference between and explanation and an excuse.

A person can treat you like shit and offer an explanation that  serves to explain the PAIN in their life that spilled over on to you, but that is not an excuse for treating another human being like shit.

then I traveled to another very wise man and he said, "Rub some dirt on it and move one."

Grateful for friends.

I am not manic right now and hopefully by the grace of God never will be again, but it hurts me deeply that conditional love was thrown my way after years of giving unconditional love.  oh well, let me get some dirt to rub on it and move on.... there are more important things to focus on than my precious feelings!   


1 comment:

Your Wife said...

conditional love was thrown my way after years of offering unconditional? would this have anything to do with my having a literal breakdown in our kitchen and my BEGGING YOU FOR a LITTLE GRACE for the MOST DIFFICULT SEASON in my ADULT LIFE mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally?