If you are as old as I am or have ever seen highlights from the TV show "Laugh-In" you may be familiar with that comedic line. It applies to all the wisdom of this evil age. It applies to the book of Ecclesiastes. It applies to 100% of advertising. It applies to 99.9% of politics. It applies to 99.9% of the current health care system in this lovely country.
I put this in the comments underneath a post by a young woman... it is truth!
Set your goals way way higher than that. This evil age is crying out for a person who has completely given themselves over to God. Someone who no longer looks for anything in this evil age to satisfy them or meet their needs. Someone so "over the top" in their love and trust for God that they literally, "love not their lives even unto the death". Someone so "over the top" in their love and trust for God that they literally, "take joyfully the spoiling of your goods, knowing in yourselves that ye have in heaven a better and an enduring substance. " They are so sold out that everything in this world is dung (sh_t) compared to the surpassing glory of God and the beauty of the age to come! From a place of perfect rest and trust, seek to be that person, connect yourself with others who are on that same path and save many from being annihilated by the holiness of God. That is your higher call. Don't get distracted by the lies of this evil age. (one of which is you are not enough and there are 1,000 more, that all focus on you and how things are going in this evil age, as the Rock would say, It doesn't matter what goes on in this evil age! Or that is what he would say if he really knew the truth.
Recently my life has undergone a lot of stuff that has me re-thinking many things.
This is what I know.
God is filled with mercy. There is only Holy in the heart of God is a true statement. There is only love in the heart of God is wishful thinking.
you do not know what someone else is going through, shut-up and pray and don't open your pie hole until God says it is okay
this evil age is not fair, disease, drugs, innocent convictions, death are all the responsibility of Satan and each and every person who chooses to follow him.
Evolution is the stupidest theory ever thought up by man and plenty of totally blind fools will defend it to the death despite the fact that the founding father was a racist asshole.