I know, that is a not-very-inviting headline! I personally would probably skip reading a blog with that title, but since you are here I will reward you with the best read today.
It is from the silly translation (The Message) of Daniel chapter 9. "Your compassion is our hope."
Powerful and true words. Daniel's entire prayer in chapter 9 is so in alignment with the heart of God for His chosen people and chosen land that Gabriel is dispatched to speak with Daniel face to face. The only other times Gabriel is dispatched it is to announce to key players the arrival of the Messiah, so Mary (Miriam, the name means bitter) and Zechariah, (the name means remember) are given the Great News that Messiah, long awaited, is about to burst on the scene.
Okay so what do we mean by "colonialism"? The Apocalyptic Gospel Podcast guys interviewed a Jewish Rabbi, Joshua Berman and he used this term related to the "critical scholars" who approach scripture with the idea that, "Everyone through out all time should write and record their history the way that we do now. Our way is the only right way." Literary conventions have changed over time, we know this is the case and all sorts of things change in cultures over time. That does not make our time better than other times. I would say Rock n Roll music was way better in the 70's but other people may disagree. It would be "colonialism" related to Rock n Roll music if I were to say, no other Rock n Roll is any good, only 70's rock, but since I kind of like listening to Olivia Rodrigo, I would never say that.
Quoting from an article on colonialism, "According to Gandhi, it is through the practice of non-cooperation with oppression that the force of truth is animated." (https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/colonialism/) Using this example the "non-violent" approach to fighting against colonialism in the modern evaluation of ancient writings would be simply to point out, that what is normal and expected in our telling of our story or of our telling of history is not the be-all-end-all, only way, that the story can be told. When ancient writers want to go back and tell a story from a different angle that is okay and if we would dig a little further, instead of just yelling, "contradiction, contradiction" we would benefit greatly. It is always good to stay in a place of humility and turn aside to see the burning bush, because if you don't stand there long enough looking at it, you would not know that it is burning, but not consuming the bush!
Slow down and enjoy the differences presented in the creation story and the Noah story and etc. Be a humble student, not a pride-filled professor. Maybe that is what Yeshua meant in Matthew 23 when He exhorts His followers to have only ONE Leader, Father, Rabbi!
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