Revelation 19
We have just seen the justice that was given to Babylon in Chapter 18 this leads to the praise at the start of Chapter 19.
Verse 1 - Psalm 113-118 are the hallel Psalms. Hallelujah is Hebrew for praise Yahweh and I have to believe it is the sovereign hand of God that has preserved this Hebrew phrase and directly inserted it into so many other peoples and languages.
Verse 2 - The specific reason for this praise is the judgment of Babylon. Jer. 51:25, 2 Kings 9:7 the “hand” is figurative language for the oppressive power. The cry of “how long” in Rev. 6:10 has been answered. Psalm 79:10, Deut. 32:43,
Verse 3 - Divine judgment. Isaiah 34:9-10,
Verse 4 - Psalm 106:42-48
Verse 5 - Psalm 22:23, 133:1, 135:1
Verse 6-8 The exhortation to praise is met with mighty praise. By judging and dispensing with the world system that pretended to be on the throne, the truth of who really is on the throne is praised. “The existence of Babylon was a necessary factor in the bride’s preparation for the marriage. How is this so? Babylon’s oppression and temptation was the fire ultimately used by God to refine the saints’ faith to prepare them to enter the heavenly city." 1 Peter 4;12, 19, Phil. 1:28-30. The righteous deeds are holding, persevering in the testimony of Yeshua. The bride “prepares herself” and is “given”. Lev. 20:7,8; Phil. 2:7,8 Verse 7 - Psalm 118:24; 1 Chron. 16:28,31; Isaiah 62:1-5; Hos. 2:20;
Verse 8 - Zech. 3:5,6; Isaiah 52:11; 61:10; Psalm 45:13; 132:9; Ezek. 1:24; Isaiah 44:23; Amos 3:13,4:13
Verse 9 - The blessing of being an individual within the group who is invited to the banquet is emphasized. Meals with God have been a theme throughout scripture. Isaiah 25:6-9; Genesis 18; Exodus 24:9-11; The last supper, the post-resurrection meal by the lake. The principle is included in “those who hunger now, being satisfied”. Marriage, feast and vindication flow through Isaiah 54:5-55:5 also.
Verse 10 - Angels proclaim from heaven and we from the earth and so we are brothers, but the presence of an angel must be overwhelming because John does this twice. All true prophecy is a testimony to Yeshua. Joel 2:28-32; Ezek. 39:29
Verse 11 - “Then I saw” is an introduction to another vision. The beast and his forces were God’s agent in defeating Babylon and now they must be defeated. Psalm 9:8, 72:2; 96:13, 98:9; Isaiah 11:4, 65:16; Jer. 42:5;
Verse 12 - Fiery eyes are associated with judgment. Many diadems emphasize that this is the true King.
Verse 13 - Isaiah 63:1- 3;
Verse 14 - Many scriptures have angels in this army and some have saints.
Verse 15 - Isaiah 49:2; 11:4; Hosea 6:5; Psalm 2:8,9; Micah 5:6; Isaiah 63:2-6;
Verse 16 - Psalm 72; Daniel 4:37;
Verse 17,18 - Ezek. 39:4, 17-20; The goal of many sections of Ezekiel is to reveal the divine name by saving Israel and judging God and Magog.
Verse 19 - Gathering for war Ezek. 38:2-9, 39:2; Zechariah 12-14 and Zeph. 3
Verse 20 - Numbers 16:33; Psalm 55:15; Daniel 7:11; The one sentence "battle" that takes place, would be better characterized as a "vanquishing!"
Verse 21 - Ezek. 38:20-23
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