Revelation 16 Verses and References
Verse 1 - Jeremiah 10:25; Ezek. 14:19: Psalm 69:24; Zephaniah 3:8 Psalm 79:6,12; Leviticus 4:7,18,25,30,34; “Just as the pouring out of the sacrificial blood represented the cleansing of the tabernacle from the defilement of sin, so the pouring out of the bowls cleanses the earth from the defilement of sin through judgment.”
Verse 2 - Exodus 9:9-11; Deut 28:27,35 Those who have taken the mark are punished with severely painful sores.
Verse 3 - Exodus 7:17-21; The 2nd trumpet had a partial effect (8:8,9) but the bowl has a wider effect. The sea is associated with the anti-christ system. “Life” in this verse is “soul” so there is some reason to think people are dying not just fish.
Verse 4 - Psalm 78:44;
Verse 5 and 6 - The description “Who is, Who was”, now finishes with “the Holy One”. This emphasizes God’s sovereign uniqueness to execute end-time judgment. Deut. 32:4; Psalm 145:17: He is righteous, He is Holy. We can trust Him that the punishment will fit the crime. Isaiah 49:26; Psalm 79:3,10; Again this is an angel, with the perspective of an angel saying “They deserve it.” (Obviously saints and prophets were still on the earth in order to be persecuted by others.)
Verse 7- Since this voice comes from the altar it takes us back to Chapter 6 and those under the altar crying out for justice. Daniel 3:27; Psalm 119:75,137;
Verse 8 and 9 - Our minds are taken back to Rev. 7:16 where the redeemed have been freed from “the sun striking them, nor any heat.” Deut. 32:24 connects the curse of burning heat with famine.
Verse 10 - The throne represents the beast’s sovereignty over his realm. Exodus 10:22; This affects his ability to rule. Darkness comes and brings with it the pain of knowing your own wretchedness.
Verse 11 - Not repenting of the “work of their hands” was mentioned previously in 9:20 and was followed by a list starting with idolatry and including murder, sorcery, sexual immorality and stealing.
Verse 12 - Exodus 14:21,22; Isaiah 11:15,16; The Red Sea and the Jordan both come to mind but many passages proclaim deliverance through drying up a sea or a river.
Verse 13 - The first time the term “false prophet” is used in Revelation. This puts his realm of influence in the Body in order to deceive. Frogs associated with the Exodus plagues. Exodus 8:2-11 and Psalm 78:45. Loud but meaningless croaking - confusion and deception.
Verse 14 - The demonic spirits have a purpose to gather the kings of the earth. Zech. 12-14 and Zephaniah 3 speak of God’s gathering the nations for a final war. The day of the Lord reference makes it final! Ezek. 38:2-8; 39:2; Joel 4:2,12
Verse 15 - Nakedness is associated with participation in idolatry. Ezek. 16:36; 23:29; Nahum 3:5; Isaiah 20:4;
Verse 16 - Many battles have been fought in this plain. Many prophecies speak of the battle being around Jerusalem which is about a two days walk away. There is a battle at the end of the 1,000 year reign that takes place around Jerusalem. Are the prophecies speaking of two different battles? We shall see.
Verse 17 - Since the voice is from the throne, God is speaking and proclaiming the finality of the judgments.
Verse 18 - Exodus 19:16-18 is God’s appearance at Sinai. Lightning, thunder, earthquake all are there. This final bowl is being associated with that event. The wording is also like that in Daniel 12:1 The latter-day earthquake at the final judgment. Haggai 2:6; Zech. 14:4; Hebrews 12:26,27;
Verse 19 - Babylon and all the cities fall. The cup of wrath is forced upon them.
Verse 20 - 6:14 was the earlier mention of the earthquake with this same power.
Verse 21 - Exodus 9:19-35 The plague of hail finds all those who oppose God. Joshua 10:11; Ezek. 38:19-22;
The following chapters will fill out what was happening during these bowl judgments. Once again the reality of the judgment of God and the wrath of God, leads believers to never hold unforgiveness. Seeing the devastating reality we walk the earth as a people who forgive and cry out for mercy, joining with the heart of God and not wanting any to perish.
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