Revelation 17 and 18 Overview
One book, one story. At the tower of Babel the nations were scattered and put under the dominion of gods who were in rebellion. This created a world system in opposition to God and His plan. God chose Abram and declared that He would make a nation out of Abram. The Babylon economic and religious world system continues to this day. It must be judged and done away with in order for restoration to come. Different empires have at different times embodied this system, but it is key to see that the statue of the dream from the book of Daniel was one statue. No matter what nation or system is heading this up at the end of the age, it is the system and the powers behind it that are being judged and eliminated. Babylon is portrayed as being in the wilderness but on many waters. (Rev. 17:1,3) Babylon is said to be supported by peoples and multitudes and nations and languages. Many are deceived and cling to her for material success and security. It appears to be an economic religious system that believers are warned to come out of. The beast appears to be a political-military system. These two systems are married, the kingdom that is ruling becomes the driver of the economy. Only at the very end of time does God cause a division among these two systems and the beast turns on and destroys the Babylon system. Since the two systems have been “hand in glove” from the tower of Babel onward it is easy to see how the woman personifying the systems would say, “I will never…” The picture of God causing enemy armies to turn on each other is not a new one in scripture and so it happens again at this last time.
Large portions of Isaiah, Ezekiel, Daniel 7 and Jeremiah are brought to mind by all that we see in these two chapters.
Economic alliances equated with idolatry Isaiah 23:1-18; Nahum 3:4 Ezekiel 16:1-36
Isaiah 21:1-10 the prophet is given a vision in the desert that speaks of the fall of Babylon.
Daniel 7 the heads the horns the 10 kings, the rise and fall of the beast.
Jeremiah 51:7-8 Babylon intoxicates the earth and falls suddenly.
“Any institution or facet of culture that is characterized by pride, economic overabundance, persecution and idolatry is part of Babylon.”
“Mystery” often involves the fulfillment of prophecy in a reverse or ironic manner.
Part of the portrayal of Babylon comes from the portrayal of Jezebel in 1 Kings.
Protection from deception is given for those seeking God and understanding Daniel 11:33, 12:10.
Verse 11 7th 8th, Proverbs 6:16, Eccl. 11:2, Micah 5:5. Numbers can and are used symbolically at times.
Ezekiel 16 and 23 have judgement coming on Israel for playing the harlot with the nations.
“Come out of her” Isaiah 48:20, 52:11; Jer. 50:8, 51:6,45
Revelation 18
Babylon and Edom’s destruction. Isaiah 13:21; 34:11,14;
Tyre’s destruction Ezekiel 26-28
Verse 6 being paid back double may not be a good translation it may be “given the equivalent of her work” Isaiah 40:2; Jer. 16:18;
Verse 7 Isaiah 47:7,8
Verse 8 Isaiah 47:9,14;
Verse 9-11 Ezek. 27-29-36; 26:16
Verse 12-13 Ezek. 27:7-25;
Verse 17-19 Ezek. 27:28-33
Verse 20-21 Jeremiah 51
Sorcery, fornication and Idolatry are often mentioned together in the prophets.