Revelation 12 Verses and References
Verse 1 - Genesis 37:9-10; Song of Songs 6:10; Isaiah 60:19,20; Isaiah 62:2-5; Rev. 21:9-14;
Verse 2 - Isaiah 52:2; 54:1-6; 61:10; 62:1-5,11; 66:7-13; A woman represents Israel, who gave birth to the Messiah. Isaiah 7:10,14 8:3,4 Birth pangs represent persecution of the covenant community Isaiah 26:17-27; Micah 4:9-10; 5:2-5; Hosea 13:13; Isaiah 51:2-3,9-11;
Verse 3 - Dragon associated with wicked kingdoms. Psalms 74:13-14; 89:10; Isaiah 27:1; 30:7; 51:9; Ezekiel 29:3; 32:2-3; Hab. 3:8-15; 7 and 10 are numbers of completeness. Daniel 7:7,10,24; The crowns are false claims of sovereign authority.
Verse 4 - In Daniel 8:10 an end-time enemy throws stars down to earth and tramples on them. In this verse, Satan’s tail is doing the throwing down, and in verses, 7-9 Michael and other angels cast Satan and his angels down out of heaven but there is no mention of ⅓. (I don’t think it is harmful to think ⅓ of the angels fell with Satan, but there does not seem to be a direct connection between this verse and the ones mentioning Satan’s fall.) Jeremiah 4:31 carries the idea of a pregnant woman representing the suffering of the ideal city of God resulting from oppression.
Verse 5 - Isaiah 66:7,8; Psalm 2
Verse 6 - Exodus is clearly a time of being protected and nourished in the wilderness. Isaiah 32:15; 35:1; 40:3; 41:18; 43:19,20; 51:3; Jer. 31:2; Ezek. 34:25. Hosea 2:14-17 compare an end-time wilderness expectation to the Exodus time. The beloved Psalm 23 also has the table in the wilderness. Deut. 8:14-16 makes clear the wilderness can be a place of protecting and testing at the same time. “They would care for her” This is seen as a key to the difference between Israel’s suffering in the past and the final days. God has a people prepared who have His heart to care for them.
Verse 7 - Revelation 12 and Daniel 12 a friend of mine says, easy to remember that way. Daniel 7:21; 8:10-11; 10:13,20-21
Verse 8 - This war makes it clear Satan does not want this final time to begin. Being dislodged from his place in the heavens reduces his power and puts a very specific and limited time frame into motion. Daniel 2:35; Rev. 20:11;
Verse 9 - Gen. 3:1,4,14; Isaiah 14:12-15; Daniel 8:10; Satan’s place that he is cast out of, is what enabled slander, accusation and deception in the heavenlies. Now he is cast down from there and limited to work on earth, with “earth-dwellers”.
Verse 10 - Psalm 2:2; Job 1:6-11; 2:1-6; Zech. 3:1,2 The long-awaited inauguration of the prophesied messianic kingdom.
Verse 11 - Exodus 12:13; Hebrews 2:14; Revelation 2:10;
Verse 12 - Isaiah 44:23; The limitation on the time that is left before the end of this evil age is a reason for the saints to persevere and for Satan to be angry.
Verse 13 - Daniel 11:29,30 Anger at the holy covenant and the chosen people leads to a breaking of the power of the chosen people. Deut. 32:36; Daniel 12:7; All of which God uses to bring about the repentance of this people which is the breaking point of this evil age.
Verse 14 - Exodus 19:4; Daniel 7:25; 12:7; Deut. 1:31-33; 32:10-15
Verse 15 - God delivering His people from the flood of the enemy. 2 Sam. 22:5; Psalm 18:4,16; 46:3; 66:12; 69:1-2, 14-15; 124:4-5; 144:7-8,11; Isaiah 43:2;
Verse 16 - Exodus 15:12; In context, the “earth” that swallows the flood gets associated with those who in Verse 17 - “obey and follow the Lamb”.
Verse 18 - This is actually the beginning of the visions in chapter 13 which give more details related to the events of chapter 12:13-17 and should be read with them, not the visions of chapter 12.
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