Two downloads that do a better job of explaining the timing of events in Revelation than I have ever seen done.
The idea that the seals start before the 3 and 1/2 years of tribulation is not as unusual as it seems at first because these "horses" go forth in the first 1/2 of Daniel's final week of 7 years, and continue and increase as the tribulation starts. Deception, war, famine, death will be beginning to increase, but most people will not notice because this evil age, has always been dealing with these things, but those who know the Lord and love truth will be aware of the "shift" because the altar and temple will be being rebuilt in Jerusalem and this is a precursor to the abomination of desolation who must have a temple to stand in and proclaim himself "God".
The Trumpets taking place fully in the final 3 and 1/2 years of great tribulation lines up perfectly. Trumpets is the first of the fall feasts that have not been fulfilled yet, Atonement is next as the Spirit of Grace and Supplication is poured out on the ethnic, chosen people and they as a nation, turn to the Lord in repentance. Lastly Tabernacles is the feast that wraps it all up as the Millennial time begins and the Lord is living with His people!
The Bowls and their intense, brutal coming have to be limited to a "Day of the Lord" short time at the end of the tribulation, because, indeed, if they continued beyond that "no flesh" would survive.
Praise God, none of this wrath will be one millisecond longer than the perfect justice of God has determined it needs to be.
Let him who has ears to hear, hear what the Spirit is saying.
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