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Monday, November 14, 2022

The Passing of a Friend, Mark Klafter


Technology can be used to ease the passing of a friend.  I know people who saved an out-going or incoming message that was on their answering machine for years because it was the voice of a loved one.  Mark Klafter was a friend, a mentor, and a man who was filled with the wisdom of God. 

I am grateful for the technology that allows us to still have access to his wisdom on a number of different sites.  He was interviewed on the Apocalyptic Gospel Podcast here

He was a speaker at a conference here and there are numerous clips over the years of him at this site. 

He has been a very integral part our little Tuesday night Bible Study on a number of occasions and this is one of them.

It is a blessing to be able to access these and once again hear his voice and see his smile

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