Two of the gospels record the boy who was demon possessed and the disciples could not cast it out. Yeshua asks a question of the father of the boy. "How long has he been like this?" Jesus does not waste words, He only says what the Father says to say, so we need to pay attention to this. So this boy had been under this oppression since before he could have been the volitional cause of it. Once Yeshua has that information, He casts out the demon that the disciples could not and later on when they ask why they could not, He starts the explanation with the words, "This kind..." Trying not to read anything in to this or add anything to it, Yeshua identifies this as a special kind, that requires a more intimate connection to God the Father, to discern and there is some kind of requirement to be living in victory over your own flesh in such a way, that you are empowered to cast it out. (prayer and fasting). I would not fell comfortable going beyond that because that is what the text states. Is this "legal ground" as the result of the sins of the father, grandfather, great-grandfather of the boy? Seems like a legitimate question. The sins of the fathers being visited on the 3rd and 4th generation is meant to "wake-up" the current generation to the seriousness of their error and have them repent when they see the effect it is going to have on their children and grandchildren. Also being aware of the mercy of God that "death" is not what is being passed on, the child can be brought to Jesus and receive victory and restoration. Deut. 24:16 "The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers: every man shall be put to death for his own sin." makes it clear that although things can be passed down that are detrimental, a death-sentence is not one of them. Very grateful for mercy.
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