Awhile back I thought it would be good to look at the history of the "church", the mostly gentile attempt, to have an organized following of God on the earth. Well after listening to another persons attempt to do that, I honestly didn't see any fruit in it, so I kind of turned the whole thing upside down, started off from a place that acknowledges that "church" is a horrible translation of the Greek word ecclesia. Ecclesia is basically just gathering so a rioting mob is called ecclesia, the people gathered around Moses in the wilderness are ecclesia and the followers of the Jewish sect are an ecclesia, the difference being who or what is the central focus and reason for the gathering so the very best translation of ecclesia when it is referencing the disciples of Yeshua is Messiah's community. With that lead in this is what I posted in my facebook group Love Truth.
First of all "ecclesia" should not be translated church and the idea that something new started on Pentecost (a Jewish holiday, being celebrated, by Jews, in Jerusalem) is patently ridiculous. God in His amazing faithfulness and sovereign plan has preserved a remnant of people, called out ones, whose focus, purpose and life is given over to the glory of God. He called out Abraham from among the nations, He pushed the promise through to Isaac and then to Jacob and through Jacob's sons who grew into the nation of Israel. His ultimate plan on the Day of the Lord is to bring in every living descendant of Jacob as a nation. This will demonstrate both His power and His faithfulness as they believe in and trust the One whom they had pierced, as a nation, born in one day! So he has had called out ones all along the way prior to Yeshua they were almost all descendants of Jacob or rare gentiles brought in to preserve the line of Jacob so that Yeshua could come from the tribe of Judah as prophesied. The Hebrew word for these called out ones is Kahal and it is the equivalent of ecclesia. So properly translated in our day "church" would be dropped and we would be known as Messiah's community. This translation would place us, grafted into Messiah's already existing plan for Israel. This translation would press humility upon gentiles who have an annoying tendency to build things and put their own name on them, which is what the appellation "church" has become. (other examples, King James Bible, Assembly of God, Church of God, Joe Blow ministries, etc) So the history of Messiah's community is, God at great price to Himself has reached into humanity and called out, chosen, to work through certain vessels who are convinced of their own deadness and inadequacy. At any point where power or prestige in this evil age has been obtained the glory of God has been compromised by the glory of man and the true remnant has had to withdraw and form something smaller and weaker than what they left. That smaller weaker gathering is Messiah's community and they are known by their love and by the fact that though they are in this evil age, they are not a part of the world system. The actual history is a repetitive picture of small groups through out the earth who shun power in this evil age, and long for the return of the King, the restoration of His throne and His people Israel. And today, Messiah's Community is one day closer to welcoming Messiah onto this earth!
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