Put this out there as my answer to the battle with sin. So the first step as you have said, is recognizing the truth of our condition. We cannot change, turn over a new leaf, try harder, set boundaries or in any way "will" ourselves to an overcoming of sin. In baptism, if we truly understand rightly what is happening (Romans 6 is helpful) we die, the life inside of us that drives us to sin, dies.
From there we need to get out of the habit of sinning by focusing on the Lamb who was slain and His resurrection life inside of us, calling us home, calling us up and out of Babylon.
Changing our focus results in the overcoming of the habit and desire of sin, (2 Cor. 3:18) and remembering to express gratitude for the truth that at baptism that person died. EVEN WHEN HE STILL APPEARS TO BE ALIVE.
Lastly as the end of Romans 7 and the beginning of 8 say, we need to step out from under all condemnation and run to the God who loves to show mercy. (Micah 7:18).
That is the path to victory over sin, moment by moment day by day. Marantha!
This evil age is coming to a close,
our hope is in the age to come,
let's show each other the way home!
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