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Monday, October 25, 2021

Suffering Before Glory in a PIcture



On a walk with a dog and came upon this scene that I feel perfectly illustrates the true principle of suffering before glory.  In the forefront of the picture is a part of the forest that has been harvested and it looks like it has been devastated, but further out and further away the glory of the forest and the mountains and the view is breathtaking.

As we continue through First Peter, this picture can help us see the hope that keeps us on the path of life.  First Peter 1:13 So brace your minds for action. Keep your balance. And set your hope completely on the grace that will be brought to you at the revelation of Yeshua the Messiah. 14 Like obedient children, do not be shaped by the cravings you had formerly in your ignorance. 15 Instead, just like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves also in everything you do. 16 For it is written,

Kedoshim you shall be, for I am kadosh.”

17 If you call on Him as Father—the One who judges impartially according to each one’s deeds—then live out the time of sojourning in reverent fear."

Peter says clearly we should deny the cravings of our flesh, our self-life.  Instead, we gaze upon, we focus, we press into the reality of the beauty of His holiness and this transforms us into the image of the One we are obsessed with.  The Tree of Life version makes this so real.  Holy ones you shall be, for I am Holy.  Circumstances and the things that happen to us through the actions of other people are never to be our focus, there is no justice there, there is no beauty there. Expectations and hope not placed in the Holy One will be dissappointed and crushed.  "Holy One, what are you doing here and now?  How can I receive this in a way that glorifies Your Son?  I am poor, blind and lame, You are all-sufficient come and Live through me."  This suffering in my flesh is here to make me holy.  Thank you for Your covenant faithfulness to me.  

Do you see what a horrible lie the pre-trib rapture is?  It says, "You can bypass suffering and go straight to glory."  It says, "Love wouldn't allow you to go through tribulation, it would remove you before it comes."  This ear-tickling message is simply not true.  The very foundation of it is cracked and cannot be built upon.  When the shaking comes all who trust in it will be shaken and fall and it is only a cry for the mercy of God that will pick them back up.

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