There is an age to come. Actions in this age determine how things will go in the age to come. Obedience (trusting surrender) to the Messiah of Israel is the key. Get out of the way and let His life flow through you. 1 Peter 2:1 "So get rid of all malice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all lashon ha-ra." This is a sentence on the Hebrew word lashon ha-ra. "It has been said that lashon ha-ra (disparaging speech) kills three: the person who speaks it, the person who hears it, and the person about whom it is told." This speech can be true speech, but words that should not have been spoken. That takes it to a new level doesn't it. "But it is true." is no longer a good enough reason to open your mouth and let spew, are the words coming from the tree of Life? Did the Lord direct you to say them?
"But I tell you that on the Day of Judgment, men will give account for every careless word they speak." Matthew 12:36 There is an age to come. There is a coming judgment and your words in this age are an important part of that judgment.