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Monday, May 3, 2021

Truth and Trust

 Questions and thoughts to share with you.


When is it time to draw a hard line?  When is it time to say this is the truth and this is a lie?

As a teacher who will be held accountable, there is a weight to this question.  

I believe part of the answer lies in the tree of life.  When the tree of life, the life of Yeshua within you stands up and will not allow you to "hedge" or compromise, then it is time to confront, but with that same life, that desires only the very best for the other person, whose presentation is humble and inviting.  Often the truth that is being shared is short-circuited by the subtle pride in the way it is being shared.  (and my hand goes up as a sign that I have been very guilty of this, grateful for the mercy of God to forgive and start over, grateful for eyes to see and ears to hear given by grace)


Thoughts ....

TRUST such a costly thing, to your reputation and what other people think of you.  To silently wait on the faithfulness of God to manifest.  To silently wait and to appear to be impotent in the face of a situation, or circumstance over which you SHOULD be in control and have the solution.  To endure what may be years of questions and looks that speak volumes of words, Why can't you... Why don't you.. Don't you see.... Don't you care...but then one day, one glorious day, by the power of the love of Him who alone is sovereign, the answer comes and you exhale and learn to trust Him even more!

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