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Sunday, February 23, 2020

"Israel reveals the hearts of men... and Jerusalem will sift the nations"

 "Israel reveals the hearts of men...
 and Jerusalem will sift the nations" Phil Haney

Sometime in the early 2000's, I was led to the wisdom of a man named Art Katz.  Shortly after
I found out about his life, he died.
Some men who had interacted with him during his life arranged for a gathering, a convocation, at a small camp in Ohio.  I was drawn to this gathering, and was incredibly blessed to have a few short days with my middle son Elijah and these men of God.  I continued to commit to carve time out of my schedule to attend these gatherings for many years.
One of the men at the camp...(and here there is a long pause, because I am about to try to describe Phil Haney and I know my words are going to fall far far far far far short of my heart for this man) ...(and now I am crying, so I will have to come back to this later)

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