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Saturday, February 29, 2020

The Veil of Self

This recording of a message by Art Katz was recommended to me.

This is a transcript of it for those who prefer reading.

I put my ear buds in and went for a walk while listening to it for the 2nd or 3rd time.

God was faithful to meet me, in His mercy.

I asked Him what part of my self was in the way, keeping me from the full enjoyment of being within the veil of the holy of holies, which is part of the amazing Salvation that Yeshua has purchased for all those who trust in His life, death, and resurrection.

I knew the way that He would reveal self is when I honestly looked at my interactions with others and the times when I react totally in my flesh and turn from the Spirit.

Self-assertion was the first area that He brought up.  I have in my head a limited amount of time or effort that I am willing to give to another, I always consider it to be an over-the-top, nobody-else-would-do-this-much, amount of time and energy, but when that set time is over, I am done, and God, our faithful, merciful, Father who knows what is best for us and loves us too much to not make sure we get it, will set it up that someone says, or a call bell goes off at work, or something happens that requires, "just one more thing", and at that point the self rises up and even if I do the request it is not done in love so it is a farce, typically, I groan, moan and let it be known that "this is too much", but guess what, that moment after being asked to do "just one more thing" is the moment where the life, love, and power of God could come in and receive all the glory.  We we are beyond ourselves as Paul says in a few places, that is the place of weakness and death, where God's power and resurrection life can come in and be the most real thing on the planet!  So self-assertion had to go to the cross, both as a moment in time and as a continual ever unfolding way of living, the process that we are all in.

Self-judging was next up.  Every word ever spoken in thought or judgement against another could be traced back to the root of self, "to his own master he stands or falls".  I am nobody's master.  Any unveiling or revealing of a weakness of another that comes to me, is to be taken to prayer, and a cry for mercy for them.  One word, thought or attitude of judgement, reveals self-judging in me and that needs to go to the cross, both as a one time event and as a continual cleansing.

God likes doing things in threes and sure enough there was a third area He wanted to bring up on our walk.  Self-provider.  The way that this shows up in my life is when it is pointed out that something in me, my parenting, my salary, my way of living, is not good enough, and I react in defensive anger, I am thinking that I am the provider, I am not the provider.  God will provide, and has provided everything necessary for life and godliness.  A friend pointed out that when Isaac's wife, asked for children, Isaac prayed.  When Jacob's wife Rachel asked for children, Jacob got angry and defensive, "What do you expect from me, I can't open your womb and give you children!"  See the difference, Isaac rested in the Provider, and Jacob took it as if he was the self-provider for his family.  That one is very clear to me and I feel God had already started a good work in this area, so that goes to the cross as a one time event and as an on-going "giving up" whenever it comes up in every day life.

Thank You Faithful Merciful God!

Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Philip Haney

For about 8 years in a row I was blessed to be a part of a gathering in Ohio that centered on the great themes of the prophets of the Bible.
Many of the people I met there have a special place in my heart.
Philip Haney was one of those people, there were a few years when he could not attend, but his input was so valued that arrangements were made for him to video call in to the conference.
Phil's very ordinary appearance belied the fact that he knew many languages and had studied to show himself approved in many ways.
But that was not the important part.
Phil loved people.  He took time for people.  He sought out people on the fringe and engaged them in deep conversation.
The apostle John points us to 2 things to identify the true follower of the Lamb.
1) Filled with the Spirit
2) Love for their fellow man

Philip Haney was a true follower of the Lamb, so really it is no surprise that he was taken from us.

It is a comfort to know he was much smarter, had much more wisdom than those that opposed him.

This is not over, and I say with confidence,
it has only begun.

Phil, I was blessed to know you thanks for loving me.

Some one has collected some of his videos on youtube
some of which are from the gathering of saints in Ohio.

Monday, February 24, 2020

Be Unto Your Name

The lyrics to this are blessing me
along with this anointed piano

                          BE UNTO YOUR NAME

We are a moment You are forever
Lord of the ages God before time
We are a vapor You are eternal
Love everlasting reigning on high

Holy Holy Lord God Almighty
Worthy is the Lamb who was slain
Highest praises Honor and Glory
Be unto Your name
Be unto Your name

We are the broken You are the healer
Jesus Redeemer Mighty to save
You are the love song we'll sing forever
Bowing before You blessing Your name

We give day to day, moment to moment stuff too much weight,
our focus is best kept on His eternal, covenant love.

(Still not ready to get back to Phil Haney, still processing.)

Sunday, February 23, 2020

"Israel reveals the hearts of men... and Jerusalem will sift the nations"

 "Israel reveals the hearts of men...
 and Jerusalem will sift the nations" Phil Haney

Sometime in the early 2000's, I was led to the wisdom of a man named Art Katz.  Shortly after
I found out about his life, he died.
Some men who had interacted with him during his life arranged for a gathering, a convocation, at a small camp in Ohio.  I was drawn to this gathering, and was incredibly blessed to have a few short days with my middle son Elijah and these men of God.  I continued to commit to carve time out of my schedule to attend these gatherings for many years.
One of the men at the camp...(and here there is a long pause, because I am about to try to describe Phil Haney and I know my words are going to fall far far far far far short of my heart for this man) ...(and now I am crying, so I will have to come back to this later)

Friday, February 21, 2020


I know of two people recently who have threatened or attempted suicide but have not succeeded.

Glory to God.

Another chance at life, another chance for those who love them to express that love.

Another moment to pray for Living Hope to over take them in all His wonder!

Monday, February 3, 2020

Using God

"They tried to get their own way with God,
clamored for favors, for special attention.".  Isaiah 25            Using God as a means to an end, is a deadly trap leading to resentment and anger toward Him since He didn't do what we who are eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil think He should have done. The answer to this is sacrificial love that has no agenda is willing for whatever the Master wants. Eating from the tree of life.  Cain whose name means acquire was offering a sacrifice but John tells us his deeds were evil.  His main concern was for himself as demonstrated in how he responded to God's punishment.  We just have to be SUPER aware of our own heart and our own motivation.  Oh God cleanse and keep cleansing our hearts of false motives.