"but it was not like that from the beginning" 2nd half of Matt. 19:8 I wonder how often we have made excuses and hindered the work of God by unbelief because we accepted something far less than what God had planned "from the beginning"?! This is just the start of what God is placing on my heart. The sermon on the mount represents the life of the Messiah lived through us, just like 1 Cor. 13 is a summary of what it looks like when His love, loves through us.
"For you died, and your life is now hidden with Messiah in God"
May we be truly dead and may His Life be manifested through us.
A friend adds this,
"what's true in Him is true in you and as He is so are we in this world... because He is our life....Father for simple faith like a child"
and this
"yes! he offers us a life that does not know how to lust, etc... doesn't have a grid for unforgiveness
it is glorious!!!"
another friend adds this
"Exactly, dear brother! Because we are so far removed from the "genesis" of everything we have little sense of what is appropriate for right now, and have created fantasies and illusions out of nothing." and I would add, we have accepted a disconnect from the very words that Yeshua spoke about us, in fact whole schools of theology and denominations have been established whose philosophy boils down to, "Did God really say?"
Oh God we are so in need of Your grace and mercy! Restoration and Redemption are the strong words on Your heart, Come Lord Yeshua!
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