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Friday, November 17, 2017

We become what we receive

"We become what we receive."  Wise words from Jason Upton  here...

As I listened to this message, I repented of not loving people.  1 Cor. 13 sits right there in the middle of the chapters on the giftings because the giftings can very easily become points of pride and arrogance.  Jesus loved Peter, when speaking to him about his denial he immediately spoke of his restoration and the importance of Peter going onward from the dark night of his soul. 

I repented of not valuing people in whatever stage of the process they are in.  Step back and let Jesus show you how He sees them, with eyes of love, that hopes all things and believes all things. 

How often do expectations lead to frustration and death is the result.  Choose love, choose life.

I found myself expressing gratitude to God for a friend who understands that love and people are all that matter.

Lastly, I feel He spoke that true intercession is not being okay with anyone being left behind.  The Shepherd wants to gather all back into His flock.  Come Home.  It really doesn't matter what all you did, God loves you and He is waiting to throw you a party upon your return.

Yeshua loves, get out of the way and let Him do His thing!

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