The truth is, those who do not know the Lamb are broken, hurting, and cut off from receiving love.
Satan has two tactics for those who have not yet come to believe, designed over the centuries to keep people in this state; 1) Overwhelm them with amusement or addiction in all its various forms, so they never consider their innermost cry 2)Blame God for the feeling of brokenness, hurting and being cut off and get them to despair of anything ever changing.
The battle a disciple of, the Lamb who was slain, is entering into is 1) to be willing to pray and live in such a way that God can use them to remove the veil of amusement and addiction and in true, ultimate mercy reveal the desperate cry of the human heart. 2) Be willing to have self so crushed that a sacrificially loving group of people exists that can be seen to care less about their possessions and who instead are laser focused on living in love, choosing to never exclude anyone from the circle of love and mercy that they have been drawn in to by the invisible nail scarred hand. The nail scarred hand that says, "I have cleared the way for you to come home", turn around and you will be greeted by the God who runs to you and lavishes you with kisses!
If we are willing to peer into the burning bush, here is the real problem with the modern "gospel", it saves you and never sends you. You are saved, now isn't that a nice little addition to your already blessed life, tuck it away with your life insurance policy as something that makes you feel good about yourself but really is not useful until you die. Now gather together with other people who are saved and sing about it once or twice a week. Lather, rinse, repeat, but don't stare at the Lamb too long because you might come to realize that worship is not worship without sacrifice.
Satan has two tactics for those who have not yet come to believe, designed over the centuries to keep people in this state; 1) Overwhelm them with amusement or addiction in all its various forms, so they never consider their innermost cry 2)Blame God for the feeling of brokenness, hurting and being cut off and get them to despair of anything ever changing.
The battle a disciple of, the Lamb who was slain, is entering into is 1) to be willing to pray and live in such a way that God can use them to remove the veil of amusement and addiction and in true, ultimate mercy reveal the desperate cry of the human heart. 2) Be willing to have self so crushed that a sacrificially loving group of people exists that can be seen to care less about their possessions and who instead are laser focused on living in love, choosing to never exclude anyone from the circle of love and mercy that they have been drawn in to by the invisible nail scarred hand. The nail scarred hand that says, "I have cleared the way for you to come home", turn around and you will be greeted by the God who runs to you and lavishes you with kisses!
If we are willing to peer into the burning bush, here is the real problem with the modern "gospel", it saves you and never sends you. You are saved, now isn't that a nice little addition to your already blessed life, tuck it away with your life insurance policy as something that makes you feel good about yourself but really is not useful until you die. Now gather together with other people who are saved and sing about it once or twice a week. Lather, rinse, repeat, but don't stare at the Lamb too long because you might come to realize that worship is not worship without sacrifice.
I wonder if some of our worship songs actually enable us to stay put, while Jesus goes out there and does stuff? Is there an underlying attitude that encourages me to think that "singing praises" is the be all, end all of worship? If His love and mercy have not so captivated us that His very life in us sends us out, has anything really changed? Is the wood, hay and stubble of 1 Cor. 15 what we are mistakenly calling the #blessed life?
I wonder, was "repent" spoken to the chosen people, while "come home" "you are included in the family of love" was spoken to those who did not yet know God or His ways?
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