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Sunday, August 20, 2017

Moses and Me

A dear friend states the truth, "I think we have it mostly backwards and out of order."
In discussing the story of Moses and the two tablets, God brought us to the conclusion that Israels failures were at least partially about changing the heart of their leader Moses.  The first time he came down from the mountain they were worshiping an idol and in anger he destroyed the tablets.  He made the people "drink" melted down idol gold, he saw himself as separate from the people, but over time God did a deep work in him and he began to see himself as one with the people and when God gave him an opportunity to take up the offer, "I will destroy this people and start over with you." He complete,y rejected that idea.  It would not be the glory of God to destroy them, He instead fervently requested that God go with "THEM" marking a key transition in his heart, he was one with them now, not a superior leader getting angry at their failures....
and now for something a little closer to home....
If I react to the behavior of other people in my life as if they are somehow separate from me and in need of punishment for their behavior, if I justify my anger in whatever form then by the grace of God that behavior will continue, because God is doing a work in my heart and that is the method of choice that He is using.  Praise God for this revelation, and for awakening my heart to love.  "Lord Your Presence must come with US, for Your glory!"

Daniel learned the same lesson, in fact it is the same lesson God has had for His people forever, it is a part of His Plan A.  Make the people aware that when one hurts we all hurt, His unity will flow from a revelation of "family" that brings in a life changing dose of humility.

In this light 1 Cor. 14:16 "Otherwise if you bless in the spirit only, how will the one who fills the place of the ungifted say the “Amen” at your giving of thanks, since he does not know what you are saying?"
God identifies here people who fill a place of great humility.  They are the "ungifted" in the midst of a people who have put such a great emphasis on the gifts that they are now fighting over them and using them in a self-exalting way.  So the "gifted" are given an opportunity to love and pull back their gifting long enough to bless someone who is being pushed away from an encounter with God because they don't know what is going on.

What a gigantic seismic shift it would be in my life simply to see myself as a part of the whole and to hurt when they hurt, especially when that hurt shows up in a way that hurts me.. Oh God such things are impossible for the flesh, fill and fill and fill us with Your Spirit!

Saturday, August 19, 2017

"Christian love will show itself in a believer's readiness to bear evil as well as to do good. It will make him . . .
patient under provocation,
forgiving when injured,
meek when unjustly attacked,
quiet when slandered.
It will make him bear much and forbear much, put up with much and look over much, submit often and deny himself often--all for the sake of peace. It will make him put a strong bit on his temper, and a strong bridle on his tongue.
True love is not always asking, "What are my rights? Am treated as I deserve?" but, "How can I best promote peace? How can I do that which is most edifying to others?"  J.C. Ryle

Holding to the task of this blog to be an honest open view into my life.  I was not at all loving yesterday.  Not at all helpful, kind etc.  
Asking for forgiveness, apologizing is something Jesus never had to do.  Because He did not sin even when he arrived a day late to help Lazarus, He did not apologize to Mary or Martha.  So this having to ask for forgiveness and apologize is one aspect of our humanity that He never experienced, and yet, I guarantee it is His life in us that moves us to apologize and ask for forgiveness, because it is supremely uncomfortable and would be so much easier to just sweep it all under the rug.  

Anyway, God is merciful and when I had purposed in my heart to apologize, He graciously revealed this truth.  The three stranded cord in Eccl. that is not easily broken is the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and as we are in that love with them, they keep together, what the world would positively love to tear apart.  That thought came from the idea that if I am one of those cords I am going to break pretty quick and then it will only be two.  Humans can't be the cord, we suck.  God is good, I would rather He be all three strands, wouldn't you?

Monday, August 14, 2017

The only true sign of the end times

The setting up of the abomination of desolation in a temple structure in Jerusalem, is the beginning of the final 3 and 1/2 years of this age.  This is the only true sign of the end times.  Period.

If you can keep this in mind you will be saved from a whole bunch of deception that is out there related to a generation which is 20, 40, 70 or 100 years depending on what the salesman is selling.

You will be saved from blood moons and eclipses and any number related to 1948 or 1967.

I have nothing to sell you.

This information is available in the book of Daniel chapter 9 through the end and Matthew 24 where Jesus refers us back to Daniel.  

Mercy Reveals Truth and Calls Us Home

The truth is, those who do not know the Lamb are broken, hurting, and cut off from receiving love.

Satan has two tactics for those who have not yet come to believe, designed over the centuries to keep people in this state; 1) Overwhelm them with amusement or addiction in all its various forms, so they never consider their innermost cry 2)Blame God for the feeling of brokenness, hurting and being cut off and get them to despair of anything ever changing. 

The battle a disciple of, the Lamb who was slain, is entering into is 1) to be willing to pray and live in such a way that God can use them to remove the veil of amusement and addiction and in true, ultimate mercy reveal the desperate cry of the human heart. 2) Be willing to have self so crushed that a sacrificially loving group of people exists that can be seen to care less about their possessions and who instead are laser focused on living in love, choosing to never exclude anyone from the circle of love and mercy that they have been drawn in to by the invisible nail scarred hand.  The nail scarred hand that says, "I have cleared the way for you to come home", turn around and you will be greeted by the God who runs to you and lavishes you with kisses!

If we are willing to peer into the burning bush, here is the real problem with the modern "gospel", it saves you and never sends you.  You are saved, now isn't that a nice little addition to your already blessed life, tuck it away with your life insurance policy as something that makes you feel good about yourself but really is not useful until you die.  Now gather together with other people who are saved and sing about it once or twice a week.  Lather, rinse, repeat, but don't stare at the Lamb too long because you might come to realize that worship is not worship without sacrifice.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

See the Stars

A new and deeper awareness that as someone has wisely said, "I cannot reach the stars, I cannot take you to visit the stars, but I can point them out to you, I can point to them and we can gaze together at them."  The truths of scripture are life changing, relative and powerful.  As we gaze upon His beauty we are changed into His likeness.  The goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart.  To know Him and make Him known, by being the message, by welcoming the fire to burn away the dross, to rest, to trust, to cry out for forgiveness when fellowship is offended.  Onward!

Wednesday, August 2, 2017

God's one and only plan A

We use the word "church", it sounds like something separate from God's plan A, the chosen people of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, to reach the world, but it is not, we are grafted in to their vine.  The so called New Testament affirms this many times. 
Enjoyed a Bible study with friends tonight and felt that this is a good definition for the gathering we mistakenly call the "church", A group of broken people, caught up in the union of the Father and the Son, and because of the life that flows from that union, willingly, joyfully, lovingly, serving others.