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Saturday, April 15, 2017

Joel 1:17"Spare Your people, O LORD,"

We who are called to be disciples are called to be a kingdom of priest unto our God.
I was reading Joel, today, straight through, the whole book.  Chapter 1 verses 17 and 18 states very clearly a call upon the life of the priest.

  "Let the priests, the LORD's ministers, Weep between the porch and the altar, And let them say, "Spare Your people, O LORD, And do not make Your inheritance a reproach, a byword among the nations, Why should they among the peoples say, 'Where is their God?'"

So the people that the priests are to be weeping and interceding for are called "Your people" and "Your inheritance" and they are contrasted with "the nations" and "the peoples".
Do you call yourself a true disciple?
Are you part of the "royal priesthood" of 1 Peter 2:9?  I wonder if you are what makes you royal?  Wouldn't it be that you were in service to the King?
Who does the King call His people, and His inheritance?
Is or is not your heart being drawn to weep for Israel?  Your brothers are lost!  Weep!

One book, one message, one people, one Lord, one Faith, and one Baptism,


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