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Saturday, March 25, 2017

Copernicus and the Jews by Daniel Gruber

This book was gifted to me by Mark Klafter.  It strikes at the heart of the "arrogant kingdom" aka, the "church" or "Christianity". 
The God of Shem, The God of Israel, The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, is our God.  Read Ephesians Chapter 2 and understand what Paul (a Jew) is saying to the mostly gentile Ephesian gathering.  You gentiles were once "not a people" but Yeshua has come and now all the nations are blessed in Abraham.  (Bold, Italics, and underlined)  We (gentiles) are blessed because we have been grafted in to the vine, brought in to the commonwealth of Israel.  By grace, we enter into the ONE sheep pen, through the ONE Shepherd.  We attain to the unity of the ONE Faith, by the ONE baptism.  We repent of following our own way and choose to follow the way of the God of Israel, through the Messiah, the Anointed King of Israel, Yeshua the Messiah, pathetically and wrongly translated "Jesus Christ". 
Sadly and at the cost of the humility that would have led to great blessing and would have eliminated most of the "horrible history" of Christendom, we gentiles have allowed our Japheth pride to pretend that we are somehow, different, separated from, and just slightly better than our Shem brothers.  So we invent holidays to replace God ordained feasts, and we switch "worship days" based on the smallest sliver of Biblical words and twist them so hard they don't resemble anything like their original intent. 
I repent for the arrogant kingdom, in the same way Daniel associated himself with his people in Daniel 9 and repented for his people, I repent for Christendom.  "We have formed a terrible thing, and it has done terrible deeds and we have lost Your Way.   Draw us back, Oh God of Israel, draw us back to you!"

Monday, March 6, 2017

Faithful, sacrificial love demands that I be "post-trib".

The call comes to a prophet of the Most High God,  "

"Adonai’s opening words in speaking to Hoshea were to instruct Hoshea, “Go, marry a whore, and have children with this whore; for the land is engaged in flagrant whoring, whoring away from Adonai.”CJB
The word "whore" sounds very harsh and painful to our ears and we search for a "softer" word, because ultimately we are "Gomer" and we are going to have to "own" this title for ourselves.
We stumble over this stumbling stone because there is a teensy, weensy, bit of horribly ugly pride in us that says, in a teensy, weensy way I am just slightly better than the chosen people.  So, when "their deserved punishment" comes from God, I will be safely away, escaping to a "marriage supper".  See how ugly pride is when it is exposed to light!  
If this were to occur it would be a scene out of a horror movie, the groom looking aghast at the bride coming down the aisle, the severed and bleeding bottom half of a human woman with no torso from the waist up, organs and blood sticking out, because pride has blinded love and somehow the bottom half of the body is okay with the top half being cut off and tortured while "off we go" to the wedding!
Pride is a horror story.
So instead we join with our faithful and true Hosea, His heart of self-sacrificing love, becomes our heart, and we "love not our lives unto the death".  We see a Father, who chooses to remain Faithful and True even at the cost of His own life.  We join with Rich Mullins insightful lyrics, "The whores all seem to love Him and the drunks propose a toast..."
The only problem with this post is I will be totally and completely unable to convey the height, the width the depth and the breadth of His Faithful Love!  I was brought to slobbering tears this morning, as I even contemplated attempting to put words to such an impossibly, lofty reality!  An old saint has said, "I cannot reach the stars, but I can point to them."

One last thing to see is the connection God has made between the land and the people.  There is a reason why thousands of years later, Jerusalem, "the City of the Great King"(Psalm 48:2) is at the center of controversy.  God has chosen a people and secured for them a land.  One spot on earth has been chosen for His visible throne to be placed, and so the Usurper, has had his sights set on that piece of property ever since he found out the plan.  If you live with an awareness of these truths, lots of things that do not make any sense to the natural mind, become much more clear.

So the reality of the God who is faithful and true, the reality of sacrificial love, the reality that no human is any better than any other human,  is the reason a post-tribulation resurrection and "rapture" is the only view I can support.  May God continue to raise up a people who are broken by His love, united by His love, empowered by His love to manifest and demonstrate that He is alive and well, and working from a place of rest to restore, heal and forgive.